Page 5 of Deadly Obsession

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“See any bad guys you need to shoot?” he asked.

Mendez glanced over his shoulder and scowled.

Why on earth was Jack antagonizing the guy for doing his job? He wasn’t sure, but since Mendez liked getting under Jack’s skin, why not return the favor?

Besides, Jack thought it was hot as fuck that Mendez carried a weapon. There was just something so raw and masculine about it.

They were seated within one minute of coming through the door. Jack kept his gaze on Mendez’s back, his mind still in the gutter as they took their seat in a booth.

The waitress, a perky blonde with green eyes, smiled at him. “I have to say it’s an honor to meet you, Jack.”

Jack grinned, putting on the charm like he always did. He couldn’t help it since he was a born flirt. “Why, thank you, darlin’.”

She blushed as she bit into her plump lower lip. “Can I get you anything? Something to drink or my phone number?”

Jack was used to this. It came with stardom. He wasn’t going to blow off fans, because they were what made his career possible. What shocked him was looking over at Mendez and seeing the stone-hard look on the guy’s face. Was he pissed because a fan recognized him and was flirting? Their gazes clashed before Mendez looked away.

“A strong cup of hot tea will do,” he said politely to the waitress.

“And you?” She turned to Mendez. She batted her eyelashes at him, as well, because anyone with eyesight saw just how handsome the guy was.


She nodded and gave one last smile to Jack before walking away.

Jack chuckled. “Stop looking so mean. You’ll scare that poor girl.”

Mendez stopped scowling, but his brows were still slung low as he looked around. Jack did, too, and noticed a few glances directed his way. Thankfully the people were decent enough not to descend on him while he was trying to eat a meal.

“Maybe you shouldn’t encourage her,” Mendez murmured.

Jack chuckled again. “It’s just harmless flirting, big guy. Don’t you ever let your hair down and have fun?”

In Jack’s opinion, Mendez was too uptight. Sure, he got that Mendez took his job seriously, which Jack appreciated, but there was no sense in going through life that way. Jack didn’t even have a reason to smile, not after his diagnosis, but hell if he was going to be a sourpuss.

That’s because you’re still in denial.

Whatever. He pushed that thought aside and doubled his flirting efforts with the pretty waitress when she returned with their teas just because it seemed to tick off Mendez.

By the time she walked away, she wore a deep blush. “Do you think we have time to get a motel room so I can handle that sweet thing?”

Not that Jack would, but he was on a roll, taking too much pleasure in fucking with Mendez.

“That wouldn’t be a wise idea.”

Had Mendez just growled? Jack would have sworn the guy had. A rumbling noise that vibrated in his chest. He also looked like he was ready to kill something. What was up with that? Jack eyed him curiously as the waitress returned.

“You gentlemen decide what you want to order?” She moved a little too closely to Jack. That was what he got for laying on the charm so thickly. He shouldn’t have done that. Now he wished he’d kept his mouth shut. He shouldn’t have tried to ruffle Mendez’s feathers.

After they ordered their food, Jack felt Mendez watching him. Felt the man’s gaze boring into him like tiny laser beams shooting out of his eyes. Jack ignored him. Just knowing the man was looking at him was making him hard, and he didn’t want to go there.

“How long you planning to be on this hiatus?” Mendez leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table, clasping his hands together. Strong hands that Jack would love to feel all over his body. He could just imagine what they would feel like wrapped around his cock or holding him down.

Jack swallowed as he slowly raised his gaze. “Not sure. I guess until I feel rested.”

Mendez nodded, still gazing at Jack, but he finally sat back and tossed an arm over the back of the booth. Jack felt like he could breathe again. He didn’t know why he was so attracted to Mendez. Sure, the guy was hot as fuck, but Jack had seen plenty of good-looking guys, and his thoughts had never gone off rail like this before.

This time, when Jack saw the waitress coming, Mendez must have too. He got up and bumped Jack over, sitting down next to him. Jack was too stunned to say anything as their plates were set on the table.
