Page 14 of Deadly Rescue

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Sam looked up when he heard a knock on the front door. He eased off his bed and cracked his bedroom door open. Jesse was walking down the hallway toward the living room. Sam crept out of his room and stayed just out of sight as Jesse answered the door.

Two large men walked in. Two. They both looked just as fierce as Jesse. Both were tall with broad shoulders and equally gorgeous.

“I thought only Knox was coming.” Jesse closed the door behind them.

“Fletch decided to tag along,” Knox said. The guy was buff as hell, with dark hair. He wore a backward baseball cap. Fletch was nice looking too, but lean like Jesse.

“I can’t believe Ian sent two guys.” Jesse sounded pissed.

Knox shrugged and dropped onto the couch. “We just go where the boss sends us. You have a client with preternatural beings after him, Jesse. No shame in more than one guy keeping an eye on him.”

“Tell me you have food here,” Fletch said as he rubbed his flat stomach. “That was a long trip, and I’m starving.”

Jesse chucked a thumb toward the kitchen. “The kitchen is fully stocked.”

“Ian must have set that up beforehand, just in case you needed this place,” Knox said. “The guy is always prepared.”

“Like a fucking boy scout.” Jesse sat on the opposite end of the couch as Fletch went into the kitchen. “Saved me a trip to the grocery store.”

Sam eased back down the hallway and quietly closed the door. He was insanely attracted to Jesse and thought they were friends. That was what Jesse had said at the shop. No one said we couldn’t be friends. But now they were back to bodyguard and client.

He shouldn’t have said anything about his father, but the thought of more wolves in the house had frightened him, and Sam had spoken out of fear. So much for making the best of this situation.

Chapter Five

After Jesse got Knox and Fletch settled in the other rooms, he went to Sam’s door. He couldn’t go to bed with things strained between them. Yes, Jesse had been pissed to learn his mate hated shifters, but hadn’t Sam said he wasn’t like his father and he was trying? Jesse would be a straight-up dick if he didn’t give his mate a chance.

Hadn’t Sam said that he liked Jesse? Hadn’t he said that Jesse fascinated him?

He knocked quietly on the door and waited. It seemed like hours passed, but it was less than a minute, when the door cracked open. Jesse waited, but Sam didn’t appear in the doorway. He pushed the door open and found Sam sitting on his bed, hugging a pillow.

“Look.” Jesse closed the door behind him. “I was angry earlier. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

“You had every right to be upset.”

Jesse sat on the side of the bed, right next to Sam. “That doesn’t excuse what I said.” He held out his hand. “I think we need to start over.”

Sam eyed his hand then shook it.

“I’m Jesse Hart. I’m here to protect you from whoever wants to abduct you. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

His mate arched a brow. “I’m Samuel Whitlock. Thank you for helping me.”

The touch sent shivers through Jesse. Of course he felt the pull, but he had to keep his urges under control. “Should we bury the hatchet and be friends?”

Sam chuckled. “That would be nice.”

God, Sam’s laughter did something to Jesse. Made his insides grow tight. He liked the sound and wanted to hear it more often. He’d yet to let go of Sam’s hand. Jesse was playing with fire, but he rubbed his thumb over the back of Sam’s hand. “Yeah, it would be nice. I wasn’t looking forward to awkwardness and hard feelings. Kind of ruins a guy’s day.”

“I’m just a client.” Sam slid his hand away. “You don’t have to worry about how I feel.”

“That’s bullshit. You’re not just a client.” Shut the fuck up before you say too much.


Mates. “Yeah.” Jesse smiled. “Why don’t you turn in. I’ll make breakfast in the morning.”

Sam glanced around the room. Jesse knew what his mate was thinking, and before he could think better of it, he said, “You want me to stay in here with you?”
