Page 17 of Deadly Rescue

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Sam told her what happened when he woke up and what they’d said to each other. He felt a bit uncomfortable describing things in detail, but he never kept things from her…except the fact he was a demon.

“Oh, boo. That hunky guy is way into you,” Gloria purred. “He had a fucking hard dick. He initiated the kiss. I bet if you dropped to your knees he wouldn’t turn you away again.”

“Gloria!” Sam palmed his face.

“It’s true,” she said. “Just strut your sexy little butt in there and rock his world.” She gave a soft laugh. “I know you’re vanilla but live a little. Being adventurous doesn’t mean you have to shop at Pandora’s Box. It means adding just a little bit of spice.”

It wasn’t that Sam liked plain sex. That was far from the truth. He just didn’t like what Brett had wanted to do. “I can’t. Some friends of Jesse are here from out of town and they’re with us.”

“Do tell. Are they hot? Single? Gay?” She sounded like she was about to melt into a puddle. That was what Sam loved about his friend. She was so freaking dramatic, yet sweet and funny at the same time.

“They’re hot, but I don’t know if they’re single or gay, and I’m not asking.” Sam could just imagine how that conversation would go. He didn’t want Jesse’s coworkers to get the wrong idea. He also didn’t want to tell her that he now had three bodyguards because they were dealing with nonhumans. That was why Sam had said friends. Not that Sam knew if bodyguards could hang out with their buddies while they were working, and he was glad Gloria hadn’t asked that question.

“Fine, bring them to the shop and I’ll take it from there.” Gloria sounded happy at her solution.

“Wait, what about Terry? Aren’t you dating him?” Sam dropped to his back then curled onto his side. He could still smell Jesse’s scent clinging to the sheets. He inhaled deeply then chastised himself for acting that way. He didn’t have a shot when everyone was telling Jesse that Sam was off-limits.

“I can drool over gorgeous men,” Gloria argued. “Terry and I are on a break.”

“Again?” Sam chuckled. “You two take more breaks than anyone I know. What was the reason this time?”

“He went to go see his parents.”

Sam winced. Terry was in his thirties, but Gloria was in her mid-twenties. He’d yet to come out, which led to many arguments between them. He knew Gloria loved the guy, and from the way Terry’s gaze followed her everywhere, the guy was smitten with her. But Terry came from money, and he was too afraid to tell his parents he was gay.

At least that was what Terry had told Gloria and Gloria had told Sam. Family pressure was a subject Sam was well versed in. He understood Terry’s insecurities and unwillingness to rock the boat, especially if his father was as overbearing as Sam’s was. That was too bad because the two made a very cute couple, and all Sam wanted was to see Gloria happy.

She was a lot taller than Sam, around five-eight, and full figured, with dazzling hazel eyes and dark red hair, though Sam knew it was a wig. Still, any guy would be lucky to have her. Too bad she’d found a guy buried deep in the closet.

“Sorry to hear you two are on a break,” Sam said. A soft knock sounded on the door, which made his heart quicken. “I have to go. I’ll see you at work and we’ll finish this conversation.”

“Bring the man candy,” Gloria said before she hung up.

“Come in,” Sam said.

Jesse opened the door, a plate in his hand. “Breakfast.”

Sam was thankful since he didn’t want to eat out in the kitchen. In truth, he didn’t want to see Jesse right now, not when the rejection was still ringing inside of him. Yes, he understood the reasons, but that didn’t make the sting any less painful.

* * * *

Jesse felt like a caged animal. It had taken a hell of a lot of willpower to pull away from Sam this morning. Everything inside of him had wanted to say, “fuck it all” and bury himself inside his mate.

He damn near did until he’d come back to his senses. Sam was his mate, and Jesse had every right to claim him, but shit, Jesse was torn about what to do. He was getting to the point where he didn’t care what Malcolm Whitlock or Ian Driscoll said. Not when Sam had looked so damn vulnerable and sexy lying over Jesse’s chest. Not when he’d said he wanted Jesse to lose control.

Fuck, those words still rang in his head as he looked around the shop. What made matters worse was seeing all the sex toys and watching Sam stock vibrators. He hadn’t gotten around to it yesterday, but it was clear his mate was avoiding him.

Jesse’s gaze stayed glued to Sam, to his mate stacking the boxed vibrators on the shelf. Goddamn it, his dick was so hard right now.

“If you keep looking at our boy that way, the shop just might catch fire,” Gloria teased as she moved to stand next to him.

Jesse cleared his throat. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

She winked at him. “Sure you don’t.”

He watched her walk away, greeting customers who’d come in. As he stood there, Jesse thought about this morning. His hackles had risen seeing Sam in the kitchen with Knox and Fletch. He’d had to clench his jaw not to snarl at them. Jesse understood why Ian had sent them, but after Sam had left the kitchen, Jesse told them that Sam was his mate.

That was when Knox suggested he and Fletch camp out at Sam’s townhouse. That made Jesse feel a lot better. He might not have claimed Sam just yet, but seeing his mate around other males made Jesse wanted to rip out their throats.
