Page 2 of Deadly Rescue

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“I’m confident Ian Driscoll went over my requests,” Malcom said to Jesse in a scathing tone.

“Yes, sir.” Jesse nodded.

Malcolm eyed the guy. “I’m not particularly fond of the fact that a wolf shifter will be guarding my son, but your firm came highly recommended.”

Sam’s gaze shot to his father. What the hell? Malcolm had preached to Sam his entire life that shifters were savages, uncouth beasts that could not be trusted, yet he’d hired a wolf to keep him safe? He desperately wanted to question Malcolm, but Sam knew better. When his father made his mind up, there was no arguing with him.

Still, Sam wanted to take a few steps back.

“My son is to be guarded at all times. No cigarette breaks, no letting him talk you into going off on his own, and keep your hands to yourself. Samuel is delicate, naïve, and I’ll not have you taking advantage of him.”

Sam. Was. Mortified.

“I don’t smoke,” Jesse said. “I’m a professional, so I’m not easily duped, and I have no interest in getting involved with a client on a personal level, sir.”

Malcolm gave a firm nod. Sam’s father had never had a problem with him being gay. It was another indulgence. But my god, did he have to say the last part? Sam was not delicate and naïve, goddamn it. And did Jesse have to look so stiff standing there, like an immovable object?

“I have a meeting I need to get to.” Malcolm turned toward Sam. “He’s here to make sure you’re safe, son. Don’t try to slip your detail. The last abduction attempt was too close. You’re a Whitlock, which means there are those who would use you to get to me.”

It was always about Malcolm. How nice would it have been if his father had said he cared about him and didn’t want to see any harm come to him? No, it was about his father not wanting anyone to use Sam as leverage, for the weak link in his armor to be exposed.

And Sam was Malcolm’s weak link because he hadn’t been born with powers. Maybe that was why Malcolm had hired a shifter. If something happened to Sam, his father wouldn’t have to worry about him anymore.

He quickly dismissed that idea. Malcolm Whitlock might have been a lot of things, but Sam knew he cared about his offspring. Even if he never said the words.

Sam followed behind Jesse. They rode the elevator downstairs in silence and walked into the parking garage. The man’s blue eyes were everywhere as he led Sam to a black Yukon. Jesse opened the back door, and Sam slipped inside, wincing when the guy slammed the door and walked to the driver’s side.


It seemed Jesse was about as happy with this as Sam was. Whatever. Sam was going to do his best to pretend Jesse wasn’t even there, though, damn, why did the guy have to be so gorgeous? A gorgeous, arrogant man who would follow Malcolm’s instructions to the letter.

Sam kept glancing at Jesse as he drove. Why would Malcolm entrust Sam’s care to a shifter? That made no sense. Even if Sam called his father right now, Malcolm would tell Sam not to question his decision and deal with it.

Jesse kept his eyes on the road, never looking in the rearview at Sam. The guy’s wolf scent filled the interior, and to Sam’s dismay, he wasn’t offended by it. In fact, Jesse smelled kind of nice. He wore a hint of cologne that wasn’t overpowering, and it blended in with his natural scent. That combination was kind of heady.

Sam didn’t even have to give directions to his shop. Malcom must have told Jesse, because he navigated his way with ease. They pulled up to the entrance at the back of the store. Sam started to open the door, but Jesse’s words stopped him.

“I’ll let you out when I know it’s safe, Mr. Whitlock. I would ask that you not go against that.”

With a frustrated sigh, Sam pulled his hand away from the handle and waited for Jesse to get out and look around. Jesse scented the air then headed for Sam’s door. Sam slid out and walked into the back of the shop, uncaring that Jesse hadn’t come in first. He was uneasy around Jesse, but damn if Sam would show that.

“Sammy!” Gloria hurried over as best she could since she was wearing six-inch stilettos. It was more like graceful shuffling. “Mwah.” She air-kissed both cheeks. “How did your visit with daddy go?”

“Please stop calling my father daddy.” Sam rolled his eyes as he chucked a thumb over his shoulder to indicate Jesse, who had stopped at the threshold between the front of the store and the back. “That’s how it went.”

Gloria slid her gaze over Jesse. “Oh my. You were nearly kidnapped and your daddy sent a model?”

Sam chuckled. “I highly doubt Mr. Hart will model a damn thing for you. He’s probably mentally freaking out right now because of the sex dungeon he’s walked into.”

“That’s too bad,” Gloria purred as she batted her eyes at Jesse. “I wouldn’t mind removing his shirt and oiling him up. I bet he could pull in sales like nobody’s business if the ladies saw him on display.”

Sam heard a choking sound behind him. He looked over his shoulder and was surprised to see how wide Jesse’s eyes were. Gloria had that effect on people. She was a catty drag queen who had no compunction about saying what was on her mind. Jesse looked like he was ready to bolt.

“Just act like he isn’t even there.” Sam walked behind the counter.

“Unless you claw my eyes out, and maybe not even then, I couldn’t act as if Mr. Stud wasn’t there.” Gloria’s heels clicked across the floor as she went over to a rack of racy red nighties. “The vibrator shipment still needs to be put away. I know how particular you are with where you display things, so I thought I’d leave that up to you.”

Sam smirked when Jesse’s eyes became impossibly bigger. The guy still looked arrogant as hell, but at least Sam and Gloria had ruffled his stiff feathers. Sam gave a stage whisper to his best friend. “Maybe I should give Mr. Hart a vibrator so he can give us a product review.”
