Page 27 of Deadly Rescue

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“Fuck,” Jesse groaned, his cum hitting the back of Sam’s throat.

Sam licked Jesse’s cock clean before he rose from his squatting position. Sam was spent, and his limbs felt like noodles.

“What a way to start our day.” Jesse moved Sam until Sam was under the spray, then he washed him from head to toe. Sam had never been pampered like this, and he loved it. If they started their day like this all the time, Sam would be spoiled rotten.

When they were done, they got out and brushed their teeth at the sink, and then Jesse dressed and went to the kitchen. Sam took his time in the bedroom getting dressed. Just as he pulled his shirt on, his phone rang. It was Gloria.

“Why on earth did I have to hear about what happened from someone else?” she shouted, forgoing pleasantries. “I can’t believe you didn’t call me, Sammy!”

Sam winced. He knew how much Gloria cared about him, and he should have thought to call her. “Everything happened so fast, then Jesse brought me back here.”

“Where?” Gloria demanded. “I went by your townhouse, but you weren’t home. Two gorgeous pieces of man-candy were there, but they wouldn’t tell me where you were. I’m going out of my mind, Sammy. I have to see you! I have to see with my own two eyes that you’re okay.”

Sam knew he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t let her come over. Jesse would lose his shit if Sam compromised their safehouse. And even though Gloria was all woman, she was still technically a man, and Sam wasn’t sure if Jesse would try to kill her for being near him. “I swear I’m fine.”

“Not good enough,” she argued, but he heard tears in her voice. “Since when do you hide from me? I thought we were best friends.”

“We are.” Sam dropped onto the bed then turned a bit sideways because his ass hurt. “But you know my father is a stickler for the rules. He insists I stay out of sight for now.”

He hated lying to her, but Sam had to find a reason to stop her from guilting him into telling her where he was.

“I hate your daddy at times,” she huffed. “One of these days I’m going to tie him to my bed and teach him a lesson.”

Sam chuckled. “You are aware that my father isn’t gay.”

And Sam would love to see how that played out. Malcolm Whitlock was a formidable demon with the power of fire. Gloria was a human. But wouldn’t it be a gas to see Gloria try to tackle Malcolm, who was six-four, while she stood at five-eight?

She giggled. “A girl can still have her fantasies.”

“I’m sure Terry would be thrilled to know you want my father.” Terry might have his flaws, but as far as Sam could see, he was good for Gloria. She seemed to shine whenever Terry was around.

“No, he wouldn’t be, but it’s only a fantasy. Are you sure you’re okay, Sammy?”

“Jesse and his friends took the two men down without me getting hurt. The cops hauled the two away.”

“And they didn’t say who sent them?”

“I wish.” That would have been nice, but neither man said a word. The dark-haired one couldn’t since Knox had rendered him unconscious. He must have held back, because shifters were ten times stronger than humans, and that one punch could have killed the guy. The blond man just glared at Sam before he was taken away.

The smell of bacon filled the air, and Sam’s stomach growled. After the night he’d had, he was famished. Jesse was turning out to be a keeper. He not only fucked like a dream, but he cooked? Yep, a keeper.

“I wish there was more I could do,” Gloria said. “I hate that you’re constantly in danger.”

“Me, too. But I’m taking the next two weeks off. Not that I’m in the store a lot anyway. Jesse thinks that’s the safest thing to do right now.”

“Although I’m going to miss the hell out of you, he’s right. You’re too exposed in the store. Stay tucked away with that hunk, and please have sex with him, or I’m labeling you a prude. That man is too fine to let him go to waste.”

Sam felt his face catch fire. “That’s because you’d do anything for some dick.”

“You’re damn right.” She laughed. “You only live once. So make sure you do everything I would do.”

“Not on your life,” he teased. “Besides, I only get in the way when I’m there, so I know you’ll love having free rein of Pandora’s Box.”

“Not when I know you’re not there because you’re in danger,” she said, the humor gone from her voice. “You better stay safe, Sammy. You’re my best friend, and I don’t know what I would do without you.”

He was touched. “Same here.”

“Okay, enough emotions. I have a store to open. Call me later and give me the juicy details about how you jumped Mr. Bodacious’s bones.”
