Page 34 of Deadly Rescue

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“Terry?” He’d had his suspicions, because of the phone call and then being taken in front of Gloria’s apartment, but it was a punch to the gut to have it confirmed.

“Do you know how hard it was to get my hands on you?” He stood there casually, talking as if they were discussing their day.

“Why?” Sam couldn’t understand why Terry had come after him. If anything, he thought his abductors would want a ransom and was shocked to his core when he’d overheard that he was being sold to the highest bidder, that he would be some rich asshole’s sex slave.

“I’m surprised you have to ask that question.” Terry slid his hands into the front pockets of his suit pants. “You’re gorgeous. Waiflike, with feminine qualities. I knew you would make me rich, though you proved quite the problem.” He shook his head. “How many times did you get away? Four? Five?” He sighed as if Sam was nothing more than an errant child Terry had to deal with. “I almost gave up, you know, when Gloria told me you had a bodyguard.”

Sam’s heart clenched as he thought of Jesse. He wanted his mate so badly that hot tears pressed the back of his eyelids. “Is Gloria in on this?”

If she was, Sam would be devastated. He loved her like a sister, trusted her, and would be heartbroken if she’d set him up.

Terry chuckled. “No. She has no idea. She thinks I’m off at my parents when I have to leave her.” He waved his hand to encompass the room. “When in truth, I’m making a sale. I like to be here for every one of them to ensure my money goes through.”

Sam was going to be sick. He’d genuinely liked the guy and had felt sorry for him that he had to hide his relationship with Gloria. Now all Sam wanted to do was rip the bastard’s throat out. “She was crying when you called.”

If Terry had hurt her, Sam was going to make the man pay.

“A recording.” Terry smiled. “Crude, but effective. I recorded the last time she cried when I had to visit my parents. I knew I would need it in order to lure you to her apartment. Which means I’ll have to move operations since you made me show my hand. But the six million I got for you was worth it.”

Six million. Was that the going price for a person? It sickened Sam to think anyone had a price tag on them. That others could be so heartless as to buy a person. Be so heartless to sell one.

“You have no soul.” Sam balled his hands into fists as he rose from the chaise. “How can you sell human beings?”

“But you’re not human.” Terry smirked. “I made sure to note that in your bio online. Why do you think I wanted you so badly? I knew you were a rare gem. Too bad I didn’t have more buyers so the price could go higher, but I must keep the invitations to these events limited. Only a select few were bidding on you. You have a rare beauty that’s hard to come by, Sammy, and a demon on top of that?” Terry laughed. “Priceless if you ask me. You’ve opened up a whole new market for me, Sammy.”

Which meant Terry could go after nonhumans now. “How did you know what I am?”

“I kind of stumbled onto that information, but who told me is not important.” Terry snapped his fingers, and the jerk who’d tackled Sam in the hallway stepped into the room. Sam froze. Terry was human, and Sam could have taken him down, but there was no way he could get past the shifter.

Sam took a step back. His time was up, and Jesse hadn’t found him. Sam would be taken to whomever had purchased him. If that happened, Jesse would never find him. Sam still held out hope that Jesse would rescue him. Terry had sent him the link.

Please let them have traced it and found my location.

But time was up, and Sam’s heart sank. If any one of Jesse’s teammates had traced the link, they would have been here by now. Sam was on his own.

The shifter tossed a robe at Sam. “Put that on.”

Sam wanted to rebel, to tell the guy to go to hell, but he hated standing there in boy shorts, so he slipped on the soft robe and belted it in place. The shifter came forward and grabbed Sam’s upper arm in a steel grip.

“Don’t bruise the merchandise, Senec,” Terry said. “I wouldn’t want to lose money to compensate for damages.”

Senec grunted as he yanked Sam from the room. Sam tried to dig his feet in, but Senec was too strong and pulled him along with ease. They went down a corridor, turned right, and headed down another long one before reaching a door with an exit sign above it.

“How could you do this to your own kind?” Sam asked as Senec slammed the door open. Darkness surrounded them, and Sam shivered in the cool night air.

They were in an alley behind the building, cut off from anyone seeing them. Sam truly was on his own.

“Money talks.” Senec dragged Sam toward a black van with tinted windows. Sam tried to yank his arm free to no avail. He wasn’t getting out of this. The only thing he could hope was that he could get free once he was at his destination. He would never stop trying to gain his freedom. Never.

Not when he had a mate looking for him. Not when he’d finally found happiness. He’d lived under his father’s thumb for so long, and now he could live his life how he wanted to with Jesse. He’d hoped Malcolm would give their mating his blessing, because Sam truly loved his father.

He truly loved Jesse. Sam had realized that when he had nothing but hours as he lay on that chaise. He wasn’t even sure when those feelings had blossomed. He just knew he loved Jesse and didn’t want to be taken from his mate.

Senec was reaching for the panel door when a growl erupted. Sam jerked his head around, and his heart nearly gave out. There was a large wolf approaching, his ears pinned back, his canines bared.


Two men moved from the shadows behind the wolf. They looked just as menacing, tall, broad, like warriors. Sam recognized Knox, but he had no clue who the other man was.
