Page 35 of Deadly Rescue

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“I suggest you let him go,” Knox said before he dipped his chin toward the wolf. “You got something that belongs to him.”

Jesse snarled and took another step forward. He looked lethal as hell. Then again, they were still in their honeymoon period, and Sam was shocked Jesse hadn’t attacked yet. The only reason he wouldn’t was because Sam was too close to Senec and Jesse was probably afraid of hurting Sam.

Senec whipped out a gun and pressed it to Sam’s temple. “Sorry. All sales are final. The merchandise must get shipped.”

Sam jerked at his arm. “Do you know how stupid that sounds?”

“Shut the fuck up,” Senec growled as he backed toward the side door of the van.

Sam realized that Senec wasn’t going to shoot him. Not when Terry had just made a boatload of money off of him. The gun at his temple was for show. Could Sam really take that chance though? What if Senec didn’t care if Terry delivered? What if the shifter was more concerned with getting out of this alive?

Sam had precious seconds. Senec would have to use a hand to open the panel door. He would either let Sam’s arm go or lower the gun. Either way, that would give Sam a chance to run.

Then Sam felt it. Someone was behind them. He didn’t dare look. What if it was Terry? What if he had a weapon, too? Terry and Senec could kill all three before Jesse or his men got to Sam.

Sam shouted as he was yanked to the ground. Senec still had his hand curled around Sam’s upper arm and wouldn’t let go, but luckily the gun was no longer against his head.

Jesse was on them. He shifted and yanked Sam away. Sam looked over his shoulder and saw Fletch standing over Senec’s prone body. Oh god! There was so much blood. Fletch had used his claws and plunged them into Senec’s back, ripping out his heart.

Sam looked away, burying his face in Jesse’s bare chest. “I got you, sweetheart,” Jesse said. “You’re safe.”

Sam jerked his head up. Jesse’s face was set in a mask of fury, like he wanted to bring Senec back and kill the guy himself. “It was Terry! He’s still inside.”

“On it,” Knox said as he and the other guy stormed inside the building.

Jesse pulled Sam toward his Yukon. Sam was surprised he hadn’t noticed the vehicle when Senec had pulled him outside. He was also shocked Senec hadn’t noticed it.

Jesse let Sam go long enough to grab his go-bag and dress. Then Sam was back in Jesse’s arms. He never wanted to leave his mate’s side again.

“Were you hurt?”

“Humiliated, but not physically hurt.” He told Jesse about how Senec had tackled him and beat the crap out of him, but he was fine. Jesse snarled, his hold on Sam tightening. “I swear I’m fine. Senec hits like a pussy.”

Not really, but what was done was done, and Sam just wanted to put this whole ordeal behind him. It was going to kill him to face Gloria again. She’d been duped, and she wasn’t going to take that very well. Sam still wanted to know where in the hell she was.

Knox brought out an irate Terry. He squirmed in Knox’s grasp. “Your mistake was sending Jesse that link.”

Jesse set Sam aside and walked over to Terry. “No, your mistake was taking my mate.”

Sam spun around, refusing to watch, but he heard Terry’s screams and bones snapping. A moment later, he was back against Jesse’s chest and being guided toward the passenger door of the Yukon.

“They’ll clean this up,” Jesse said as he opened the door and set Sam inside. “Just keep your gaze averted until we’re out of here.”

Sam had no problem with that request. He might not be human, but he didn’t want to see the carnage. It was bad enough he’d seen Senec’s heart in Fletch’s hand.

* * * *

“Mate?” Malcolm looked murderously at Jesse. “I sent you to guard my son, not fucking mate him!”

Not five hours after Sam had been rescued, Jesse stood by Malcolm’s desk, Sam at his side. They were at Whitlock Industries, Sam insisting on telling his father about them. Jesse hadn’t thought it a good idea, but he wasn’t a coward, so he stood there as Malcolm raged.

“I told you he was delicate and you weren’t to touch him!” Fire erupted in Malcolm’s hands. “You’re a fucking shifter!”

Jesse went rigid, but he kept his mouth shut. Oh, he could have given just as good, but he knew how much Sam loved his father and had agreed to let Sam handle this.

Though Jesse wanted to bare his canines at the guy.

“You know we have no choice in the matter,” Sam said calmly. “Fate handpicked me for him, Father.”
