Page 6 of Deadly Rescue

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Jesse was seconds away from committing murder. There was no mistaking the look in this jackass’s eyes whenever he gazed at Sam. Worse, Jesse knew he’d offended Sam with his statement about running a lingerie shop, and his mate was probably pissed at him and indulging Brett on purpose.

That had better be the case, because if those two were involved, Jesse just might kill the son of a bitch. If Sam went to the back room for privacy, oh yeah, there was going to be bloodshed.

“What in the hell are you doing here, Brett?” Gloria moved across the room after the couple she’d helped walked out. Her heels made that clacking sound before she stopped in front of Brett. “Didn’t Sam tell you to piss off months ago?”

Brett glared at Gloria. “You need to mind your own business.”

Sam threw up his hand, as if stopping Brett from saying another word. “You don’t get to talk to her like that. I was willing to listen to you, but—”

“No, you weren’t.” Gloria looked at Sam as if he was a misbehaving child. “You’re not going anywhere alone with him.”

Jesse took a step back. It seemed Gloria had this under control, and Jesse needed to reel his shit in before he did something he would regret. Like tearing Brett’s head from his shoulders.

“Now you’re telling me what I can and can’t do?” Sam argued with Gloria. He threw up his hands and stormed away.

Gloria cut her gaze to Jesse. “Please be a darlin’ and take out the trash while I calm our boy down.”

Jesse wanted to smirk. He really did like Gloria. She was like a mama bear when it came to Sam. Instead, Jesse turned his glower on Brett. “You heard the lady.”

“Since when does Sam need security in his store?” Brett argued with Gloria. “Afraid someone might steal lube?”

“Bitch, I will slap you so hard you’ll feel it for a week,” Gloria snarled. “Consider yourself lucky I’m a lady.”

The look on Brett’s face said he wanted to argue otherwise, but the human was smart enough to keep his mouth closed. He shot daggers at Jesse before he jerked the door open and walked out.

Gloria sighed. “Some men just can’t take a hint.”

“I think breaking things off is more than a hint,” Jesse said. “What’s his deal?”

Yep. He was fishing for answers and wasn’t ashamed of it.

She eyed him for a long moment. “Just because Sam runs a lingerie shop doesn’t mean he’s into all this kink. He’s pretty vanilla if you ask me, and the only reason I’m telling you this is because I see the way you look at him. Don’t assume anything when it comes to my Sammy.”

Jesse held up his hands. “I didn’t assume anything.”

But now Jesse had a better understanding. Brett wanted more than Sam had been willing to give, and that pissed him off. Not because Sam had kicked Brett to the curb, which Jesse was thankful for, but because Brett had clearly pushed the subject to the point that Sam had to break up with the guy. No one should feel uncomfortable with what they preferred in the bedroom.

They might have been standing in a shop filled with adult toys, but the only thing that had gained Jesse’s attention was the vibrators. He could take it or leave it, though.

“I’m going to check on Sammy.” Gloria walked away.

Jesse wanted to go to his mate but knew he wouldn’t be welcomed. He’d also discovered another thing about his mate from that confrontation. Sam did not like to be told what to do.

Chapter Three

Sam insisted Jesse stop and grab some drive-thru on the way home. He always ate like crap when he was upset. After Gloria had put him on blast—because Sam had heard her from the backroom—all Sam wanted to do was go home and barricade himself in his bedroom.

Once again, he was mortified in front of Jesse. First Malcolm telling the bodyguard that he was delicate and naïve. Then Gloria telling Jesse that he liked his sex plain.

Could his day get any worse? Was there someone else out there waiting to embarrass him?

As soon as Jesse made sure the house was clear, Sam put the bag on the counter. He would have taken his food upstairs right away, but Jesse had ordered something for himself.

Instead, he gave Jesse a quick tour of the house, and they hadn’t met back in the kitchen until Jesse had stored his duffel bag in the guest bedroom. He still felt embarrassed about what Gloria had said to Jesse. Sam just couldn’t get past that.

“You doing okay?” Jesse stood by the counter as Sam separated the food, ready to make a beeline upstairs.

“What on earth could be upsetting me?” Sam slammed the wrapped burgers onto the counter. “I don’t mind that my best friend put my business on blast. Who would care about something like that? It’s no big deal that I’ve been mortified twice today. It’s no big deal that my father runs my damn life and I couldn’t keep a guy because I’m so boring in bed.”
