Page 8 of Deadly Rescue

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A rebellious streak in him wanted to beg Jesse to fuck him just because Malcolm had forbidden it. But that wasn’t the entire reason. It had been a very, very long time—if ever if Sam really thought about it—since he’d been this crazily attracted to anyone.

Too bad Jesse wasn’t into him, regardless of what Gloria had said about the way Jesse had watched him in the shop. He’d just been doing his job. That was all.

* * * *

Sam had no idea how badly Jesse wanted to show him how good sex could be without toys, without cuffs or whips. He sat there with a fucking hard-on from hell as he tried to watch the movie, but all he could think about was having the demon twink under him, crying out his name.

Or in his lap, riding him.

Jesse got up and walked to the kitchen. He needed a moment to himself without Sam in the same room with him. He curled his fingers around the edge of the counter and pushed back, stretching his legs and trying to think of anything that would make his erection go down.

Sam might be his mate, but Jesse also had a job to do. As soon as Jesse called his boss and told him that Samuel Whitlock was his mate, Ian was going to have a conniption. The same thing had happened to Mendez Grant. He’d been assigned to Jack Dane, country music legend, only to discover that Jack was his mate.

Mendez had resigned from the security firm and was now Jack’s full-time bodyguard. He said he didn’t trust Jack’s safety to anyone else.

Jesse wasn’t going to do that. It wasn’t as if Sam went on tour or had crazed fans. As soon as he figured out who was trying to kidnap Sam, and he neutralized the problem, there was no need for him to stick around full-time. Not that he was going to walk away from his mate, but Jesse could take other assignments and just come home afterward.

Home. Now wasn’t that a conundrum? He’d never really had a home. Sure, he had an apartment where he kept his belongings, but before starting at Driscoll Security, Jesse had been a mercenary. It had paid well, but he’d discovered that his boss was dirty, that the ops they went on weren’t for the greater good.

Once Jesse found out how dirty his boss truly was, he’d bounced, getting as far away from Jerome Macon as possible.

Before that? Jesse never stayed in one place for too long. He never felt rooted to where he lived, as if he had to be there, as if that place called to his soul. He’d wandered aimlessly, taking jobs here and there, never truly happy. He’d left his birth pack because of the in-fighting, the bullying, and the rampant nepotism.

Jesse wouldn’t say he was happy working for Ian, but he was far more content than he had been in a long time.

Now, about Sam? Jesse still didn’t know what to do. Of course his wolf wanted to claim the demon. Every nerve ending inside Jesse came to life whenever Sam was near.

But he had a job to do, and until he found out who was after his mate, and why, Jesse wanted to keep this professional. Besides, he seriously doubted Sam liked him. Not with the comments he’d made since this morning. Did he feel the pull, or did he think it nothing more than attraction?

This was why Jesse hated complication. He should have been able to do his job then go on to his next assignment. Malcolm Whitlock’s warning still rang in Jesse’s head. His son was off-limits. If Sam hadn’t been his mate, Jesse would have had no problem with that, although he had to admit that Sam was the most beautiful man Jesse had ever laid eyes on.

He still would have kept it professional, though.

But Sam was his mate, so Malcolm’s demand was negated. Oh, there would be fallout over this. Of that Jesse had no doubt. From what he’d observed, Malcolm liked keeping a thumb on Sam. The guy was a control freak who expected his word to be law. He just had that type of personality. In just a short period of time, Jesse had also guessed that Sam hated that fact and that he rebelled in his own way.

Like opening Pandora’s Box. Jesse snorted. Finding out he was mates with Sam was definitely opening that box.

“You’re missing the movie.”

Jesse straightened and looked at Sam, who stood in the doorway. “Sorry, I just needed…” Jesse was damn good coming up with on-the-spot lies, but his mind had drawn a complete blank.

Sam threw their trash away. “It’s cool if you don’t want to watch it.”

“I was the one who suggested a movie,” he reminded Sam.

“Yeah, but you’re here as my bodyguard. No one said we had to be friends.”

The vulnerable look in Sam’s dark eyes gutted Jesse. His mate was a product of his circumstance. Most might think a rich boy had no problems, that he shouldn’t have anything to complain about, but that was far from the truth. He saw that fact whenever he looked at Sam. His mate tried to hide that vulnerability, but Jesse saw past his nasty comments and flippant attitude.

He had a feeling that even if Malcolm didn’t financially take care of Sam, he would find another way to control him. That was what narcissistic people did.

“No one said we couldn’t be friends.” He crossed his arms and leaned into the counter. “We have to be together until this is over, so why not make the best of it?”

Sam eyed him. “You’re not what I expected.”

“How so?”

His mate shrugged. “It’s not important. I’m gonna head to bed. Thanks for everything you’re doing for me.”
