Page 9 of Deadly Rescue

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Jesse clenched his hands into fists under his folded arms as he watched Sam walk out. All he wanted to do was haul his mate to him and kiss that look right off of him. Instead, he went back to the living room and dropped onto the couch. Jesse couldn’t stop thinking about Brett.

For a moment earlier, Jesse had feared that Sam and Brett were dating. His hackles had risen, and he’d fought tooth and nail to keep his canines from lengthening. He was still pissed thinking about Brett touching Sam, but what really made him see red was the fact that Brett had tried to force Sam to do things he didn’t want to do.

Sam was a demon. Why hadn’t he used whatever powers he had to deal with Brett? Not that it would have been a wise decision, but it made Jesse wonder, what exactly were Sam’s powers? All demons were born with some kind of ability.

So what was Sam’s?

* * * *

Jesse jerked awake at the soft noise. He hadn’t gone to the guest room that Sam had given him. He’d fallen asleep on the couch. Jesse just lay there in the dark room, one hand on his chest, an arm over his eyes, and listened to the noises of the house.

Upstairs, his mate lay asleep, and alone. Jesse gnashed his teeth at the urge to go upstairs and slip into bed beside Sam, spread his slim legs, and feast on him.

God, why was he torturing himself like this?

Unable to sleep, Jesse sat up and rubbed the heels of his hands against his eyelids. What he needed was a cold shower or to shift and run. Since he couldn’t do the latter unless he wanted to leave Sam alone, which he didn’t, Jesse stood and headed for the stairs, where his things were stored in the guest bedroom, but not before grabbing the gun he’d stuck under the accent pillow.

He’d brought a duffel bag with him, stored in his Yukon but now upstairs. A nice long shower, some jerking off, and he would be as right as rain.

Keep telling yourself that.

Jesse stopped halfway to the stairs when he heard that soft noise again. He cocked his head and listened. He wasn’t sure what time it was, but he heard a car pass in front of the house, a bird chirping somewhere in a tree, and a nearby cat yowling, as if it was either fighting or mating.

Lucky goddamn cat.

When the noise didn’t repeat, Jesse headed up the stairs. He was in the hallway, ready to go into his room, when he heard it again. The noise was coming from Sam’s room. Jesse slipped the gun from the back of his waistband and moved softly over the carpet. He wanted to knock, just because manners dictated that he announce himself, but he tried the handle instead.

It was unlocked. The noise came again. Jesse swung the door open, his gun out in front of him, and snarled when he saw someone struggling to get Sam out of bed. His mate wore nothing but boxers, and there was a hand over Sam’s mouth, and his mate’s eyes were wide. The scent of demon slammed into Jesse, and he knew it didn’t belong to Sam.

With a deep growl, Jesse flipped the light switch, preventing the demon from using the shadows to escape. Sam looked at Jesse with so much fear in his eyes, so much panic. Jesse moved slowly toward the bed, his gun still raised. A bullet wouldn’t kill a demon, but it sure as fuck would slow it down.

“Let him go.” Jesse’s words came out in a menacing snarl.

The demon backed toward the window. Was he going to jump through it to escape, taking Sam with him? Clearly he’d used the shadows to enter the room, and Jesse cursed that he hadn’t thought of that. He should have told his mate to sleep with the lights on. Better yet, Jesse should have slept in the room with him.

“This has nothing to do with you, wolf,” the demon said in a low, gravelly voice. “Just walk away and I won’t kill you.”

Jesse rolled his shoulders. “Afraid I can’t do that. Let him go and I won’t kill you.”

Total lie.

The temperature in the room dropped. Soon Jesse saw his own breath in front of his face. The room kept growing colder, and Jesse had to force himself not to shiver. It was September, still warm outside, yet the windows began to frost.

Sam shook in the demon’s grip, a hand still over his mouth, still looking terrified. The metal of the gun burned in Jesse’s hands, the steel cold against his palms and fingers.

All Jesse needed was a clear shot, but the coward had ducked down behind Sam. Just one false move and Jesse would have him. He might be a weapon himself, with his teeth and claws, but he’d learned the hard way to always have backup.

Frost began to cover the furniture.

Sam’s body was jerking now from the cold and fear. His body twitched violently. Jesse gnashed his teeth. He hated seeing his mate so fucking afraid.

A passing car backfired. The demon swung around. That split-second distraction was all Jesse needed. He fired his weapon, striking the demon in the shoulder. Sam dropped to the floor and began to crawl away as Jesse shifted and attacked. He went for the jugular, but the demon spun sideways, avoiding Jesse’s sharp teeth. The guy shoved Jesse away then crashed through the window.

Jesse shifted and looked out, but the only thing on the front lawn was large shards of glass. He spun around and ran to Sam, picking him up off the floor. His mate fought him.

“It’s me, Sam. You’re safe. I have you.” He pulled Sam into his arms and walked him out of the room, slamming the door behind him to seal in the cold. Jesse took his mate to his guest bedroom and tried to sit Sam on the edge of the bed, but Sam refused to let him go.

“Don’t leave me!”
