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“Run! Save yourself!” he yelled.

Sarah dipped, spun, and took off like a jackrabbit. She caught sight of Amy and made a beeline for her. Amy had lost her sled and was back on her crutches, kicking snow with her good leg as she swung through the drifts.

“Amy, over here.”

Amy waved, grinning, and veered toward Sarah. They made for the safe zone, both out of breath.

“Well, that was something.” Amy poured herself some cocoa and took a grateful sip. “Are you and Tad partners now, or was that just for tonight?”

Sarah peered into the snowstorm, where Uncle Vince was rescuing Tad from the aunts’ onslaught. They’d made a great pair, no doubt about that. That sled attack would live in legend for decades to come. And afterward, in the thicket…Heat rose in her cheeks.

“I’m not sure yet,” she said. “But I wouldn’t say no if he asked.” She got herself some cocoa, with a generous glug of Southern Comfort. It lit a fire in her belly, and she smiled, satisfied. Let them try to lump her with the kids after tonight. She and Tad had showed them—and what a difference it made when someone believed in her.

Tad came trudging up the drive, still chatting with Uncle Vince. The two paused for a moment, and Sarah watched them shake hands before Tad moved to join her.

“What was that all about?”

Tad flashed her a dazed smile. “Did you know your uncle’s renovating his bar?”

Sarah laughed. “The whole town knows that. You’re just finding out?”

“Guess I’m behind the times.” He smiled, a little sheepish. “He mentioned wanting to get to know me better, maybe tossing me the job if he likes what he sees.”

Sarah crowed, triumphant. “Didn’t I tell you? No place like the Games to drum up some trade.”

“You might’ve said something to that effect.” Tad shuffled his feet. “So, I was thinking, if you still need a partner…”

Sarah sniffed, haughty. “So that’s how it is.” She couldn’t make this easy on him, given how hard he’d fought her about playing. But Tad’s eyes were twinkling, full of mischief.

“We can stick it to your brother. Really show him who’s boss.”

Sarah’s pulse picked up. Her lips were still tingling from that brief almost-kiss. “Iguessso,” she said. “But you’ve got to bring your A-game. I’m in it to win.”

Tad took both her hands and held them to his chest. He looked her dead in the eyes, his gaze disarming. “I don’t do second best,” he said. “We’re gonnarockthose Games, just see if we don’t.”

Sarah’s heart soared. She could feel it already: this would be her year.


Sarah paused at the threshold, one hand outstretched to open the door. Tad’s knock had brought her running so fast she’d nearly tripped, but would it seemtoofast? Too eager, too excited, after one almost-kiss? She took a deep breath and counted backward—five…four…

Out on the front porch, Tad cleared his throat. If she could hear him, he’d have heard her come running. And that meant he knew she was standing here, making him wait for no reason at all. She shook herself, feeling stupid, and opened the door.

“Hey, Tad. Ready to slay some trivia?” Her voice went up at the end, almost a squeak. She bit her lip hard, but Tad only smiled.

“I don’t know about ‘slay’,” he said. “But I’ve been studying up. And I brought you a surprise.”

Sarah’s stomach fluttered. “A surprise?”

“Here, check this out.” Tad held out his phone, open to an interior shot of a stunning dayroom. The walls were white, set with huge, open windows. The ceiling was high, the lighting exquisite, and the floor—Sarah caught her breath.

“That wood is gorgeous. So white it shines.”

“The planks were reclaimed from an old museum. And they’ve got just enough left for your kitchen floor.”

Sarah clapped her hands, but Tad held up a finger.

“We’ll have to move fast if you want them. They’re going for auction tomorrow if we don’t snap ’em up.”
