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Air drops. Informants. Safe houses. Military escorts. Negotiation talks.

It only heightened her overactive mind, and she had to forcibly blank out the rest of his phone calls and empty her mind…of everything. It was a shock then when he placed a strong, black coffee in her hands and said gruffly, “We land in half an hour.”

“Thanks,” she said in a little girl voice.Shit.She didn’t want to look and sound…lost. But there was no hiding from her trauma. She’d already lost a brother, one she’d barely known, she couldn’t lose her parents, too.

Mahindar crouched in front of her, his dark eyes holding hers. “I’m doing everything in my power to make sure your parents will get through this.”

She nodded, and said, “I know.”

Mahindar smiled gently, then took the seat next to her. Oddly comforted by his close presence, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes, sipping her coffee gratefully.

It seemed like minutes later he was ushering her out onto the tarmac and toward the waiting helicopter. Its rotors were already spinning, her hair flying at the air currents. Mahindar grinned at her crazy hair, then tipped her head back with a hand, kissing her gently, longingly. Then he kissed her brow and the tip of her ear, and said, “Trust me, okay?”

She nodded, and he bundled her into the helicopter, then took a couple of backward steps after he shut her door and the rotors steadily increased rotation. As the helicopter slowly lifted into the air, he raised his arm in farewell and she pressed her hand to the window before the helicopter swung away and her husband disappeared.

She wouldn’t—shecouldn’t—think about the emptiness in her chest.

Chapter Nineteen

The gates swung open, allowing the new Sheikha of Rajhabi access to the desert palace. It might have been déjà vu returning with the long chain of security cars, except this time Arabelle was in the middle vehicle, protected front and back from unseen enemies.

Her driver stopped the SUV directly in front of the palace, and Arabelle nodded politely at the robed servant who opened her door, and who then bowed deferentially as she climbed out.

She was tired, dusty and stressed, and without Mahindar by her side she was also a little overwhelmed. The big, yawning emptiness inside her was becoming as scary as the potential threat to Lumana’s borders. Not helped by the desert palace, which loomed in front of her like a dungeon, a prison she’d never escape.

“This way, Your Highness,” the servant in robes stated calmly. At least he spoke English, even if it was heavily accented. She’d become so accustomed to the British language that Arabic had all but slipped, half-forgotten, to the back of her mind. He smiled broadly, his teeth white in his swarthy face. “Your luggage will be delivered to your suite shortly.”

As she followed the servant to the front doors she noted all the extra guards. Not only was a pair stationed at the front doors with more at the gates, there were half-a-dozen or so soldiers patrolling the grounds.

She shivered. They were probably here as much to keep her imprisoned as they were to keep her safe.

She followed the robed servant who took her down a different gold corridor and past some rooms inside the palace she’d never seen before. Each room was as striking as the last. She even glimpsed what appeared to be a huge ballroom with a black and white checkered floor, which looked new and far too empty.

She was almost tempted to ask where the harem was located, but the bile that threatened to climb up her throat made her decide she’d rather not know.

They went up a flight of stairs and he opened the door to what had to be the master bedroom suite, and the huge bed she’d soon be sharing with Mahindar.

The servant turned to her with another gleaming smile. “His Royal Highness took the liberty of purchasing you a phone and laptop. I’ve also left a schedule for your mealtimes, though you might prefer to eat in your bedroom or out on the balcony overlooking your private pool and gardens.”

He clapped his hands and a small side door opened. A woman in a colored robe—an abaya—stepped inside. “Your maid, Estelle, is also at your disposal. She will get whatever you need and do whatever you ask, within reason, of course.”

“Of course,” Arabelle smiled. Otherwise she’d be telling Estelle to organize a ride out of here.

Except you really don’t want to leave your husband anymore, do you?

Arabelle frowned at her so called voice of reason. Of course she’d leave him! She wasn’t ready for this life as a sheikha. She had doubts she’d ever be ready.

Estelle bowed deeply and Arabelle sighed. This was going to be a long and lonely few weeks—months? She mightn’t be ready to be sheikha of Mahindar’s country, but she wished with everything she had that Mahindar was here with her now.

“Your Highness,” Estelle murmured respectfully, I am honored to serve you. If I can offer you any assistance, please let me know.”

Arabelle smiled politely. “Thank you, I will.”

The male servant pointed to a button inserted into a corner of a desk further away. “You can buzz for Estelle any time, day or night.” He bowed then. “Unless there is anything else, I will leave you now. I’m sure you are relieved to be home.”

Home?Arabelle looked around at the opulence. It seemed surreal knowing this was the bedroom suite she’d be sharing with Mahindar. It wasn’t the same bedroom she’d used while she prepared for their wedding day. This was much grander.

Crimson and gold walls featuring huge mosaic framed pictures, thick plush carpet underfoot and high raked ceilings overhead. The handcrafted bed was huge, bigger than a king-size, its masculine lines screaming of sex and making her wonder how many of his harem women he’d brought here.
