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He wanted so badly to dominate, to take and take and take. Though virgins were highly prized and a part of him wished he was her first, another part was glad she wasn’t. Not when his urgent needs might otherwise scare her away for good. He’d wipe all her lovers from her memory and make her crave him like an addict until no other drug sufficed.

His hold tightened and she bent her head back, lessening the pressure on her scalp and exposing her throat. He kissed his way down the slender column, loving her wet, silken warmth, her fluttering pulse.

His little wife was succumbing fast.

That he wanted to mark her and let the world know she was his made his cock steely-hard. He sucked on her neck until her unsteady moan reminded him to release her before he bruised her skin too badly.

He lifted his head and looked down into her dazed, blue-green eyes, where water droplets beaded her long, dark lashes. The mark already forming on her throat made his pulse tattoo loudly in his ears. “You’re mine,” he said hoarsely. “You’ll always be mine.”

Shutting off the water pressure, he bent and lifted her into his arms. Both of them dripping wet, he carried her out of the bathroom and across the carpeted floor of the bedroom, then laid her at the end of the bed.

It was time to claim his wife.

Chapter Six

Arabelle had never had such an out-of-body experience. She was physically engaged and aroused, but her mind was barely along for the ride. Like someone observing a dream as it unfolded.

Making love to Mahindar might as well be happening to someone else.

What would her husband say if she revealed the truth? Then told him she’d never been with anyone else? Not that she’d deliberately saved her virginity, she’d just never found a man worthy of giving it to.

She swallowed hard. That her husband was so big all over and his desire so urgent meant he wasn’t going to be gentle. Despite his skilled foreplay her body was now wound so tight she feared his possession of her and how much it would hurt. She shivered. If he was possessive of her now, she could only imagine his triumph at discovering she was a virgin.

He leaned over her, his long golden body following her onto the bed and his hard cock grazing her inner thigh. She closed her eyes. She’d get through this. It was nothing more than a marital obstacle. He’d take her once or twice and his duty would be done and he’d return to his harem.

Then she’d be free…as free as one could get once she was locked in his desert palace. That something burned inside her chest while thinking about his indiscretions behind her back wasn’t worth dwelling upon.

She’d do her duty and become impregnated. She’d even try to be a dutiful wife and queen to his people.

Then his mouth covered hers and she squeezed her eyes closed as sensation threatened to engage her mind to her body. His mouth might at times be hard but right then his lips were soft and coaxing, warm and inviting.

He was an amazing kisser, his experience in the bedroom all too apparent.

“Open your eyes,habibi.”

Her eyes flew apart at his endearment. She stared into his brilliant dark eyes.My lovewasn’t a word to be said lightly. She was so occupied with the thought she barely noticed when he one-handed his shaft to guide it to her core.

Yet in one thrust he shut down her mind while her whole world tore apart and a distant, pained cry—her own—shattered the strained silence.

She absently noted his wide-eyed disbelief, his tightly-strung body and his cock that was wedged so tight and deep inside her she wondered if he’d ever dislodge it from her.

“Stay with me,habibi,”he said thickly, and though his long black lashes showcased his passionate intensity that was as quickly also turning into something triumphant and possessive, she was shielded from any further emotions.

She was far, far away. Somewhere pain didn’t touch her and dreams of another life still sparkled within reach.

“Arabelle, look at me,” he commanded harshly, his gaze narrowing.

She did as he asked, but she wasn’t there with him, not really.

Even when he began moving inside her, and the pain drifted into a faint ache as her body unwittingly responded, she kept inside her head. Then he kissed her again, an almost desperate merging of lips that struck a chord deep inside her.

He was getting to her! Somehow he was untangling the knots around her heart as skillfully as some renowned cardiologist.

“That’s it,” he said thickly, his voice edged with urgent passion. “Don’t fight me. Not now…not in this.”

She closed her eyes. How could she possibly fight? He was a master at making love and she was an inexperienced virgin. Already the heat inside her body was encompassing her mind until she was glowing and incandescent with need.

“Perfect,” he groaned.“You’reperfect.”
