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“Is that all?” Hamid mocked.

“And I want my livestock to drink their fill before we leave.”

Holly flinched as the crude blade nicked her throat again and more blood leaked free.

Hamid’s eyes narrowed, a pulse ticking to life at one side of his jaw. “I’ll have you hunted down like an animal if you hurt her again.”

Holly couldn’t even see the brigand, but she could smell his sour breath, sense his hatred even as his blade loosened fractionally on her throat.

“You’ll have to find me and my men first, Sheikh Hamid!” he spat.

Sheikh Hamid?

She stared at Hamid—at the sheikh?—her mind whirling. Not helped one bit by him not denying the possibility. Surely her desert rat wasn’t the one and same sheikh who ruledImbranak?

Oh, God.Little wonder Qaahir had been so shocked at her reference to Hamid—Sheikh Hamid—being a desert rat!

And that hadn’t been the only clue. Her words from earlier echoed in her head.I’m a foreign woman on foreign soil. I’m not exactly welcome here by any men, let alone your sheikh.

Then Hamid’s response.I’ve treated you well, have I not?

How hadn’t she put two and two together?

Her stomach rolled as cold fingers of betrayal slipped down her spine. Why had he lied to her? What had she done to make him feel the need to hide his identity? Was that why he hadn’t liked her taking his photos, in case she sold them to the media?

Everyone knew the Sheikh of Imbranak valued his privacy above all else.

Hamid didn’t take his eyes off the brigand. “You still have a small chance to leave with your head on your shoulders and with any of those women whowantgo with you. But only if my woman stays unharmed.”

“What about my men?” the brigand snarled.

“They will be set free. Though I can’t promise some won’t die from their injuries.”

“Better to die an honorable death than at the hands of an enemy.”

Holly would have laughed if the situation wasn’t so dire. How was it okay for this one uninjured man to speak for those wounded? Was he their leader? Maybe his men preferred the chance to live rather than to die an apparently honorable death?

Hamid took a step closer. “Let my woman go and you have my word I’ll do everything you have asked.”

“Not until my men are freed and my camels and goats have drunk freely.”

Hamid’s jaw clenched as he nodded stiffly. Qaahir stepped out of the shadows to approach the men with a huge chef’s knife. Some of them shrank back and cried out while others looked resigned to their fate, until Qaahir bent and cut through their bindings, leaving them unharmed and free to leave.

The leader immediately barked out, “Bring in the herd.”

Two of the men who weren’t seriously injured obeyed him, limping toward their camels then galloping into the desert and out of sight.

Holly curled her lip. Were his animals more important than his women?

The thought had no sooner formed when the brigand added, “Now release my women.”

Hamid shook his head. “You’ve pushed my patience to breaking point. I’ve agreed to two of your requests. Now you will agree to mine. Free your captive or face the consequences of your stupidity.”

“And lose my only bargaining chip? Not likely.”

Hamid took another step. “I gave you my word. We both know that is law.”

“Your law is different out here in the desert,” the brigand muttered defensively.
