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But first, she needed to rest. She had the rest of her life to love her husband and to live life to its fullest.


Three months later...

The ballroom was alive with music, but not with the orchestral sounds one might expect. A famous popstar was on stage with backing vocalists and a fabulous band, while guests danced on the black-and-white tiled floor around Yasmine and Jamal like they were chess pieces on a board.

“Happy birthday, Yasmine!”

Yasmine spun in Jamal’s arms and smiled at the gorgeous, dark-haired woman who held the title of “mistress” to Sheikh Fayez. That Fayez appeared to be as smitten with Jazmina as any husband would be to his wife was the understatement of the century. Even now the two of them were dancing cheek-to-cheek.

Jazmina might also hold the title of most stunning woman in the room, if not for the fact Jamal’s stare constantly hovered on Yasmine, as though she was the only woman in the world for him. It clearly mattered little to him that her birthright didn’t officially make her a sheikha.

Perhaps though Jazmina’s pedigree mattered to Fayez?

Yasmine smiled. “Thanks Jazmina. I hope you’re enjoying the party.”

Jazmina threw her head back and laughed, just as Fayez stepped back and spun her around with one hand. “Best party ever!”

Jamal chuckled along with Fayez, both men enjoying the radiant delight Jazmina exuded.

Yasmine’s smile widened as she watched the two lovebirds together. “You really do make the most gorgeous couple.”

Fayez winked. “Have you and Jamal looked in the mirror lately?”

Yasmine fluttered her lashes with over-exaggerated mirth. “Oh, stop!”

Jamal grinned at the couple. “You might want to make it official soon, Fayez, before some other man whisks her away and you lose her forever.”

Jazmina’s smile faded, and Fayez stiffened before he swung her away from them, then bent to murmur something in her ear.

Yasmine winced as she looked up at Jamal. “That didn’t go down very well.”

Jamal nodded. “I can’t fathom Fayez’s reluctance, he clearly adores her.”

The pop singer began a slow ballad and Yasmine wound her arms around Jamal’s neck. “I’m sure they’ll work it out.”

She only wished her mother and Zameer would do the same thing. But Yasmine had discovered her mother was still in mourning for a dead man—Yasmine’s biological dad—and that although Zameer was actually deeply in love with Valentina, she didn’t return his feelings. He’d taken comfort in the many women at his disposal in the harem, while seeking consolation with his gambling.

It had opened Yasmine’s blinkered eyes and made her realize how quickly she’d been judge and jury. She didn’t blame either one of them for their feelings or their actions. She knew firsthand that one couldn’t simply turn off emotions like a light switch.

She only hoped Zameer really was getting help for his gambling addiction like he’d promised.

Jamal looked down at her, his eyes glittering with approval while his hands tightened on her ass. She wore a simple, fitted black dress that contrasted with her blonde hair, and yet she’d never felt more beautiful or cherished.

Since her kidnapping, Jamal had been extra attentive, even cancelling events just to be with her until she felt emotionally strong enough to go with him to business functions and social gatherings. Having his strength and support had sped up her inner healing. He’d been her rock, her lover and her friend.

She worshipped him.

But how would he react when she told him the truth? She hadn’t gone back on her birth control pills, had even presumed she’d be lucky to fall pregnant after the turmoil she’d gone through. Now here she was two months pregnant and just shy of beginning to show.

Sheikh Mahindar and his wife Arabelle, floated past them with their gazes locked on one another. Yasmine couldn’t help but admire Arabelle’s svelte figure, though she’d only recently had a baby girl. Mahindar certainly seemed to be devoted to her, but then Yasmine had no doubt he’d feel the same way about his wife no matter if she was pudgy or slim.

Jamal glanced at Mahindar and Arabelle, before he turned back to Yasmine. “Everything okay?”

She nodded. “I was just thinking how happy they look even after having a baby.”

“A baby was never going to make them love one another any less.”
