Page 62 of Her Daring Daddies

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“Anything but anchovies.” Her nose scrunched up at the gross topping choice. “Bacon and pineapple?”

“Sure, thing.” I motioned for her to move closer to me and she finally complied. “If you need a release of any sort, you don’t need to misbehave. You can always ask.”

“I’m never going to ask Uncle Jesse to spank me.” Tiana rolled her eyes. “Or anyone else for that matter.”

“Is it because you don’t want to admit what you need, or something else, buttercup?”

She chewed on her thumbnail for a moment before cuddling up against my non-injured side. “If I ask, it will happen, and I think it’s also hard to actually admit when I need extra attention.”

“We’ve only been doing this for a little while. It will get easier, babygirl. The faster you realize that, the better it will be for you.”

“Um, something else has been on my mind, Daddy.” She let out a long breath. “Dane said he would like me to move in here.” Her honey brown eyes grew wide. “I love that idea so much, but I don’t want either of you to think I’m some freeloader.”

“Neither of us think that. I would be so happy for you to be here all the time, regardless of what else is happening, but we don’t have to discuss it tonight. Think about it. Write down any questions or concerns you have in your notebook and we’ll discuss it when Dane comes home.”

“Yes, Daddy. Thank you for understanding all the stuff I couldn’t say.” She kissed my cheek. “I’m just really glad you’re okay. I miss Dane too. It’s better when all three of us are together.”

“Yes, little girl,” I agreed. “Everything is better now that the three of us are together.”



“You’ve been gone forever.” I pouted into the tiny camera lens at Dane. I hated that he was still in London since he’d been gone a few weeks. There had been delays, and though it wasn’t his fault, I missed his hugs. “You were supposed to be home by now, Daddy.”

“Soon, sunshine. I’m wrapping up one more thing.” Dane winked playfully. “Have you been behaving?”

Darting my eyes to Tanner and back, I shrugged. “Sorta.”

“Silly little, buttercup.” Tanner tapped his finger off the tip of my nose. “Since I got cleared for physical activity, Tiana has been extremely compliant, rebel.”

“Oooh,” Dane teased. “I’ve missed seeing her perky ass all hot and pink, Sir.” He clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “I’d been hoping for the chance all morning, but if she’s being good, I guess I’ll have to wait.”

Feeling feisty, I stood up and turned around. Tugging my lounge pants to my thighs, I glanced over my shoulder. “Whenever you decide to come back home, you’ll just have to take matters into your own hands, Sir.”

Tanner adjusted the camera, and though I should have seen it coming, he tipped me over his muscled thighs. Several harsh slaps bounced off each of my bottom cheeks in turn. “Let’s see if I can pinken them up just for you, Dane.”

“I was only kidding,” I protested, but it made no difference. Tanner seemed eager to turn my pale skin into a rosy hue from his palm. Over and over again, he spanked the lowest curves, stopping to pinch each bottom cheek hard before continuing. “Ow, Daddy!”

“You missed a spot, Sir,” Dane said, chuckling.

“Not funny!” I retorted, but I loved being on display for both of them. It would only get better if Dane could be here in person, caressing my warmed bottom cheeks and whispering dirty fantasies in my ear while Tanner toasted my butt. Pushing into each smack, I groaned. Tanner increased the time in between each one while my arousal swelled.

“Oh, please keep going?”

“Something is wrong with the camera.” Dane let out a string of curses. “Stupid overseas wi-fi,” he muttered.

“Picture the ending in your head, rebel. I’m going to make our girl scream so loud, you’ll hear her in London.”

“I believe you, Sir.” Dane cleared his throat caught up in his emotions. He obviously missed us as much as we missed him. “I love you both so much. I’ll call back later.”

“We love you,” I panted from my position.

“We miss you.” Tanner pressed something on the screen, his attention diverted. It was enough for me to wiggle off his lap. “Naughty little thing,” he chided, grabbing me back to him. “I’m not done with you.”

“Please, Daddy? Please fuck me?” I begged shamelessly. “I’ll call Dane on the phone in a little bit and tell him exactly what you did to me.”

“Why don’t you show me instead, sunshine?”
