Page 11 of Lucy

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Once I’m secured, he moves over to the bed. Pushing his black pants down his muscular thighs, his thick cock springs out. I can practically hear Rax growling at me for even looking, so I avert my gaze to the bed. Giorgio doesn’t make a noise as he crawls over her and lines up to her wrinkled pussy. He pumps into her like it’s a chore, and I don’t blame him. She’s lying there, with her arms above her head, not helping at all, and the squeals that leave her lips hurt my ears.

He moves his hand between them, rubbing at her clit, and it doesn’t take long before she’s clamping around his dick. Ugh, that’s fucking disgusting. His thrusts quicken, ass tightening in the air.

“Oh, do it on me. Please, come on me. Give me a pearl necklace,” she chants, pushing him up off her and getting off the bed. I’m almost shocked to see his eyes rolling, but he listens to his boss. She must have something over him.

Sullyn kneels on the floor, her hands moving to her small fucking tits to hold them up for him to aim. Giorgio pumps his cock lazily but finally comes all over her neck, giving her the necklace she asked for.

As the last ropes leave his cock, which barely deflates, we hear screams fill the hall outside the door that I just realized was left open. How often does this bitch have her henchmen fuck her?

He pulls his pants up quickly and spares no glance toward either of us as he grabs his gun and flies from the room. Sullyn has her hands twirling in the cum that coats her.

Gunshots ring out, but it doesn’t take long for a form to move into the door frame. My body sags, relief flooding me when I recognize the silhouette.

Lifting my eyebrow, I ask with a sneer, “Getting slow in your old age?” Sullyn flinches at my tone, spinning to look at who I’m talking to.

Rax leans against the door frame, knives strapped to his body in an intricate harness. How is he so fucking calm? He was just shot at.

“Sullyn, Sullyn, Sullyn,” he tsks at her. “Angelo would be so sad to see how quickly you moved on from his wrinkly dick,” he drawls, stepping into the room and pulling a machete from the harness at his back. Sullyn is stunned in silence at his presence. Did she not think he’d come for me? I scoff, watching as Rax lifts his hands and swings, cutting into her neck and getting halfway through before pulling back and swinging again quickly as her body slumps. Her head rolls, stopping right at my feet, and her blood pools around us. Why the fuck was that so hot? My thighs press together, trying to relieve my now soaked pussy.

“You’ve been naughty, Lucy,” he tsks in an almost tender way. His words cause forest memories to flood my brain. Hell, that was so long ago now.

Moving closer to me, he pulls a small knife from his harness after putting the machete back. “What were you thinking, leaving without me? Have you learned anything? People can be snatched in a blink of an eye. No matter how much training you’ve had.” He shakes his head, cutting the rope that has me bound to the chair.

“Piss flaps, Rax. Get me the hell out of this room. I’ve just learned what a pearl necklace is, and I fucking want one,” I groan, standing once I’m free.


I don’t knowwhat happened to Lucy in that room, but the look in her eyes is mesmerizing. She hasn’t stopped watching me like she wants to eat me since I whacked that cunt’s head off.

“Lucy, are you okay? I know that was scary for you,” I coo at her, trying to bring her back from the fight or flight state she’s currently floating in.

“Scary? That was so fucking hot. Did you even see the dead fat guy on the floor before you thwacked that piss flap’s head off?” Her voice rises with excitement, her body bouncing in the passenger seat beside me. It takes all the control I have to not pull the car over and take her lips right now, but we are so close to the warehouse. I have to see my cum draped over her neck.

“I did, Precious Girl. I’m so proud of you. You did very well.” She preens at my praise, her thighs pressing together. Moving my hand so it’s slotted between her legs, I squeeze her inner thigh.

It doesn’t take long for us to get back to the warehouse. Or it does, and I just don’t fucking notice. I’m riding the high I got from the past few hours. Killing that man and being covered in his blood as Rax beheaded that fucking cunt was invigorating.

He chuckles at me as I bounce in my seat again, squishing the now congealed blood. We’ll have to burn this fucking car. Hopefully, he isn’t too attached to it.

I barely notice him park the car and come around to open my door. His hand is stained red as he reaches for mine, but I let him pull me into the parking garage and the elevator. I press the number two for our apartment repeatedly, wishing this thing would go faster. And then the lights blink once... twice… and then go out as the elevator stalls.

“What the mother fucking piss flaps, Rax?” I shriek, pushing into his arms. The elevator starts to shake, and I flail, my arms flying around me. Oh wait, it’s not the elevator… it’s this fucking man laughing. “Rax,” I gasp.

“When the hell did you hear the phrase piss flaps, and why the hell are you using it so much?” he rasps between chuckles.

“Oh, shut up. What are we going to do now?” I demand, slapping my hands against his chest. Oh god, I’ve missed this playfulness. A wave of sorrow fills me, clashing with my anger. Fuck him for making me have to feel these fucking things. His body stills as I pull away from him. He doesn’t give me a second to back away though. No, he pushes his rock hard body against me and backs me into the elevator doors.

“Well, Precious. I believe someone asked for a pearl necklace. The question is, would you like me to fuck your soaking wet pussy first or face fuck your pretty little lips?” he growls as his lips skip across my cheek.

“Mhmm, I don’t know, Rax. Surprise me,” I say, pushing his body back and trying to hide in the darkness of the tiny elevator, as the doors slide open on our floor. The lights are still out but I can see with the light from the windows where the hallway is. I head quickly to my room and wait for him. It doesn’t take long for him to step into the room and I charge him, my lips landing on his. I turn his body while I kiss him, giving everything I have into the kiss. He gasps into my mouth, and I bite his bottom lip hard, as a moan leaves his lips. The back of his knees hits my bed, causing him to sit down.

“Move up, lay down flat,” I command, reaching down to the bottom of the bed. I feel around for what I need.Come on, damn it, where are you?My fingers grasp the chain and I stand up just as the jarring fluorescent light turns on above us.

“Lucy?” Rax questions, attempting to scoot away from me. I snicker at his attempt, latching the cuff around his ankle. “What are you doing?” he snarls at me, eyes squinted.

I can’t help the smirk that pulls at the corner of my lips as I reach for my knife and blindfold that I keep tucked under the mattress. I was a fucking idiot for not taking the knife with me when I left, but I’m sure he’ll tan my ass for forgetting it. I open it slowly as I step up to his head. His arms are free but he’s got them behind his head, almost relaxed, which just pisses me off. I slide the silk blindfold that I found in his goody bag the other day around his eyes, causing a gasp to leave his lips.

“Well, Rax… I did tell you that you are on my revenge list, didn’t I?” I say, bringing the knife down and barely slicing at his skin just below his elbow. A hiss leaves his lips but he doesn’t make a move, which pleases me so much. Trailing the tip down his arm to his armpit, I shave off the hair that’s there, nicking his skin. I don’t waste time leaving the blade there though. I bring it closely to his neck, pushing with just the right amount of pressure to cut into his skin but not go further. He doesn’t talk, but his Adam’s apple bobs up and down. My eyes focus on it for a second before flying to his eyes. He must have pulled the blindfold off when he felt the knife. I was too focused to notice. They have gone wide, pupils fully dilated at the fear coursing through his body.

“Mhmm, good boy,” I say as I bend and kiss his soft lips, one last time…

“Lucy, please, I’m sorry. I love you, I just wanted you to be fully mine.” His tone is softer than I’ve ever heard him. I’m shocked by it. He’s finally being vulnerable with me. I take a deep breath. Memories flood my brain, feelings churn in my heart. Every soft touch and loving word he’s given me. The knife slips through my fingers, dropping to the bed and then slipping to the floor with a clatter.

I can’t kill this man. I fucking love him. Even if he is psycho, he’s mine.

“Lucy?” he questions, the confidence coming back in his voice slowly. I slide my hand down his body to the cuff locked around him. I remove it, taking my time while his eyes stay locked on mine.

“I forgive you… But now, you need to come and get me, my Psycho,” I whisper as I turn and run away from him again.

The End
