Page 38 of Fast & Sexy

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I picked up Bear’s telephone in the kitchen and called my friend Crystal. I hadn’t seen her since that night at the biker bar. It seemed so long ago when Bear kissed me in that bathroom and ignited something deep inside me that was both frightening and exciting all at the same time.

Crystal jotted down the directions and drove over, carrying a six-pack of Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers in each hand. I only told her that the man I met that night was now my boyfriend, and I was living with him now.

She sat down on the couch and handed me a wine cooler. “That is totally righteous, Holly! I bet your brother is wigged-out about it!”

I twisted the bottle cap off and took a nice, long drink. “Yeah, he was and probably still is. Bear doesn’t tell me much about what happens in the club to protect me. All I know is that they got into a fight over me.”

I caught myself, wanting so much to tell Crystal how I was attacked at the store, but it would have been a bad idea. I left that part out because I didn’t want to frighten her and she was safe not knowing everything that happened. Especially with what happened to those men Bear killed and without a doubt, buried in shallow graves somewhere between Petersburg and Richmond.

We giggled as we looked through Bear’s collection of videos, some of them were pornos, then found the movie,Rocky.We slid the videotape into the VHS player and watched it together, drinking wine coolers until late at night.

My eyes fluttered open as I woke up to the feel of Bear’s beard and lips brushing along my neck. He smelled like whiskey and smoke from a campfire. My nipples hardened, and I stretched.

He groaned in my ear, “I love coming home to your sexy little body in my bed.”

Chapter 10


ThePetersburgclubhousewaspacked full for Hellion’s patch-over. Every Berzerker from both Richmond and Baltimore was there. Stryker, along with his VP, Rubik stood with Diezel and Jagger. Cain held a club vote the day before and every member of Hellion was all in for the patch over to become Berzerkers.

A pile of stacked wooden pallets outside the clubhouse was set on fire and Hellion rags were shrugged off and thrown in. Diezel shook a can of black spray paint and blackened Hellion MC on the clubhouse wall and BERZERKERS MC was sprayed over it in red spray paint. Diezel handed out our three-piece Berzerker patches, with the bottom rocker that read “Petersburg, VA”.

He stood beside Stryker and spoke to us all. “Hellion MC is no more. You all are now Berzerkers and our brothers. Our chapters are strong and our numbers will grow. Berzerkers ride hardcore and live by their own laws, not the laws of society. Stryker leads our mother chapter in Baltimore. Every one of you will learn the Berzerker Code and Bylaws. The number one law that all Berzerkers will live by - you turn on your brother, you’ll die. If anyone attacks one of us or our family, they become the enemy. And we as brothers will go berserk on our enemies and kill them all.”

He raised his right arm, holding a revolver. “Now let’s christen this fucking shindig with booze, drugs, and pussy!” Then he fired it, followed by hollers, cussing, and shouts.

The night was long and full of crazy shit with club whores galore dancing to Motley Crue blaring from a boom box and giving out blow jobs right there in the open. I stood beside Mace near the blazing bonfire, passing him a joint when a dark-haired chick danced her way toward me.

She was trashed, and her eyes couldn’t even focus on my face. “Want me to suck your dick?”

I chuckled, moving her off my thigh. “No, darlin’.” I nodded over to Mace. “Go suck on his.”

Mace dropped the joint and fumbled with the zipper of his jeans. The girl dropped down on her knees and started sucking him right there as Diezel walked up. He lit the end of a bowl stuffed with a huge wad of weed and took a long hit.

He exhaled and passed it to me. “I never thanked you for taking out those Cutthroats and saving Holly. You did good. And I’m grateful for it. We’re gonna go berserk on the Cutthroats in the next coming days. Their Prez, and all of them. Dead and buried in shallow graves.”

I lit the end of the bowl and took a long hit. “I enjoyed killing them. And I love Holly. I’m going to ask her if she’ll wear my properties.”

Diezel laughed and socked me in the shoulder. “That’s good, but you’re gonna have to explain to her what all that means. She’s got lots to learn if she’s gonna be your ol’ lady.”

I blinked a few times, and my head pounded. I remember coming home from the patch-over party at 4:00 a.m. totally shit-faced and climbed into my bed next to Holly. I was clumsy, and sloppy from all the booze and weed, but Holly was ready for me when I kissed the soft skin along her neck. She smelled so good and wore one of my T-shirts to bed. My hand slid underneath it to touch her warm softness. She gasped with pleasure and climbed on top, straddling me, pulled the shirt up over her head, and tossed it on the floor.

I groaned—my mouth as dry as a fucking desert. Holly moaned and stretched, smiling at me. “My grouchy bear is hungover, isn’t he?”

“It’s just part of the gig, darlin’.” I rolled over, nestling between her soft thighs and trapping her beneath me, “I want you to be my ol’ lady, Holly, and wear my properties.”

Her sleepy eyes grew wide. “Yes! But what are properties?”

“You becoming my ol’ lady means you wear a patch that reads ‘Property of Bear.’ It’s a show of respect among diamond clubs. When you wear my properties, it means you belong to me. Being my property is the highest honor in a club. You are always protected by each member of the club. It also shows others that you are not to be fucked by other members. You will hold high rank along with the other officers’ ol’ ladies.”

“Yes, yes, yes, Bear! I would be honored to wear your property patch!”

Just when I was getting ready to slide my hard dick back inside Holly’s warm pussy, the phone on the bedside table rang.

I growled, reaching over and answering it. “Yeah.”

“This is Cain. Get over to the clubhouse. Diezel and Mace were shot at, and they both went down on Route 301. They’re at St. Mary’s Hospital now. The Cutthroats did it.”
