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Of course, the sight before us is one of pure debauchery. After all, incredibly handsome and virile men are in the water, showing off charming smiles as well as tanned, toned physiques. Again, Sanctum rigorously screens its male clients and I have to say that looks matter. They’re definitely not admitting any gross-looking dudes with hair all over their bodies.

But what sets the club apart is the female companionship on hand. After all, the men have paid an arm and a leg in membership fees, and as a result, Sanctum retains the most beautiful women to work as hostesses. Lithe, gorgeous women entertain the men, their skin glowing and slick in the low lights. Of course, most of the ladies are bare-breasted, if not entirely nude.

Some of the ladies kneel at the men’s feet to give them massages, their small hands trailing up and down hard muscle. Others giggle while sitting on the men’s laps and giggle as they feed them grapes and wine. Of course, most of the ladies are being touched in some way or another, but they like it. I see one girl throw her head back and moan as a man’s hand disappears between her legs, even as another one twists her nipples playfully before bouncing them just to get her patron’s attention.

“I think we’re both wearing too much,” I say in a droll tone to Lark. “I mean, even with your new invention, you’re overdressed.”

Lark merely shrugs and smiles.

“No, it’s fine because I just wanted to show it off. This way, it gets some publicity,” she says. “It’s all marketing, you know. Plus, when I take this thing off, that’s when people are going to see how my cover’s different from all the others—”

But then, we’re cut off as a gorgeous man approaches us.

“Hey ladies,” he growls, those blue eyes already fixed on my friend’s pasties. “You girls having a good time so far?”

I’m just about to reply, but the oxygen evaporates from my lungs when I look down to see something dangling beneath the hem of his towel. Sure, he’s got a thick white terrycloth towel wrapped around his waist, but it only goes down so far, revealing thick tree trunk thighs and …? Holy shit, is that what I think it is? Sure enough, this man is so long that his cockhead is actually dangling below the hem of the white fabric. I swallow hard, turning astonished eyes to Lark.

But my friend’s even worse than me because at least I’m trying to pretend not to stare. Meanwhile, Lark’s gawking unabashedly at his dangling length, her eyes wide and mouth practically hanging open as she does.

“Um, yeah we’re having a good time,” she manages in a faint voice before looking up into the stranger’s smirking gaze.

“Oh good,” the handsome man drawls, his eyes now practically glued to the patch of cloth between her legs. “I was just hoping that one of you beautiful girls would give me a little assistance? I could really use a hand.”

Before he’s even done asking, my buddy’s already nodding.

“Of course,” she murmurs, looking at him with wide, dark eyes. “I’d love to help.” With that, he takes her small hand in his own and leads her off. Lark doesn’t even look back as he guides her to a nearby recliner, inviting her to sit. Of course my friend immediately lounges backwards, cupping her breasts in invitation and the man grins while whipping off his towel. Sure enough, that monster hangs all the way to his knee and I see Lark’s eyes go wide with anticipation and delight.

Dang, that’s how it’s going to be is it? I’m all alone within five minutes, and sure enough, when I look over at Lark again, the handsome man already has a few fingers buried deep in her pussy, fingerfucking her moist folds as they share a heated kiss. Well, that was fast.

I shrug and sigh. This is Sanctum, so what did I expect? It certainly looks like I’ll be on my own for the time being. At least the water appears warm and inviting, so I suppose I could use this time to take a dip. Funny, right? Most people go to a pool to swim, but at Sanctum, you could have many reasons to come to the pool that have nothing to do with water at all.

But seeing that I have some time on my hands, I discard my robe on a nearby lounger and then gingerly make my way to the shallow end. To be honest, the entire pool is quite shallow because it’s made for frolicking, and not actually doing laps. Gingerly, I step into the water and it’s blessedly warm, almost like a bath. Then, I walk along the ledge inside, being very careful. Despite spending summers at the Jersey Shore, I never quite learned how to swim. It never appealed to me, and to be honest, the ocean downright scares me sometimes.

But this is different because the water is warm and calm, with no waves whatsoever. Relaxing a bit, I make my way into deeper waters and let out a sigh of satisfaction once my body is fully enveloped by the warmth. The liquid feels amazing, and it’s slightly slick and aromatic from the fragrance and essential oils that management adds as an aphrodisiac of sorts. Then again, who am I kidding? People are always making love in the water so the slickness could be from sperm. Quite a few girls have gotten pregnant after interludes at the pool, and it could just be from the virile swimmers doing their thing.

But now, more and more people are climbing into the pool and beginning to frolic merrily. There are a few couples embracing in the deep, and as I watch, one of the girls is pressed up against the tiled wall as her eyes close and mouth opens. A long, low moan hits my ears, and it’s clear she’s being fucked underwater by the huge stud in front of her.

But still, I keep my cool despite the debauchery around me. The water smells a bit like lavender, and my muscles relax and soften. Heck, if I close my eyes, I can pretend that I’m on a boat, swaying gently as I travel across the ocean on a cruise.

But then, somehow, I lose my grip on the pool ledge. My feet slip a bit, and one second, I’m smiling happily in Never-Never Land, and the next, my head’s going under. What the hell? Before I realize what’s happened, I inhale, which of course, only makes things worse because I end up gulping down a mouthful of water. Trying to breathe, I claw frantically at the water around me while trying to inhale again. Oh shit, oh shit! My nose is clogged and I’m drowning! Where’s the air? My limbs flail but it’s useless because I don’t know how to swim and am probably just making it worse.

Help! I want to scream, but of course, all that comes out is a gurgling mouthful of bubbles. Panic seizes my limbs as I splash around more, but this is all underwater so I’m not even sure anyone’s going to notice. Holy cow.Am I going to die?



Ilean back in my lounger, my sculpted abs on display. Sure enough, a beautiful young woman comes over, her breasts bare and lush as her ass sways.

“Hi big boy,” she purrs, looking over my bronzed form appreciatively. “Can I get you a drink? A mimosa perhaps?”

I stare at her huge, creamy breasts and my fingers itch. At first, I shake my head but then change my mind as my blue eyes gleam.

“How about a little sip from those tits?”

She giggles and leans forward so that the giant, pink-tipped orbs swing towards me.

“Of course, sir. I’m always happy to oblige.”
