Page 13 of Colorado Cold Case

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She listed her ribs, shoulder and head.

The doctor listened to her chest and shined a pen light into her eyes. He pushed the skin around the gash on her forehead and stood back. “I’d like to keep you overnight for observation.”

“Nope,” Rachel said. “I’m fine. Only a headache and a couple of boo-boos.”

"You show signs of a mild concussion. If you have a brain bleed, being in a hospital could save your life."

“Fine,” Rachel laid back, crossing her arms over her. “But just one night. I have a job to do, and I need to meet with Mr. Jacobs to get some help.”

“Speaking of Stone Jacobs,” Griff said, “I should step out into the hallway and give them a call. Were they expecting you?”

“Yes. I was supposed to be there over an hour ago. Then everything went to hell, and here I am.” She gave him a weak grin.

“And you’re going to be back to normal in a day or so,” Griff reassured her.

“I can’t take off work,” Rachel shook her head. “The sheriff’s department is already short-staffed.”

“Can’t have a sheriff’s deputy answering calls and passing out, can we?” the doctor said. “I’d give you a sedative to calm you, but it’s not advisable with head injuries.”

“I don’t want one, anyway. I don’t like it when I can’t think clearly.” She pinched the bridge of her nose again. “However, I could use something for this headache.”

“I’ll have the nurse bring you something for the pain. While we’re waiting to get you assigned to a room for overnight observation, she’ll clean your wound and apply a butterfly bandage to help it heal properly. I suggest you drive your car right-side up next time.”

The doctor left the room.

Rachel sat up on the bed and swung her legs over the side.

Griff was at her side immediately. “Going somewhere?”

“I’d like to see the damage in a mirror.” She scooted to the edge of the bed and slid off.

Once again, her knees buckled.

Griff caught her as she slid toward the floor. He hauled her up and held her close to his body. “Sweetheart, not that I mind holding you close, but you really need to give yourself a break and rest. You’ve been through a helluva ordeal. Your body needs time to recuperate.”

She pressed her hands to his chest. “I’m fine. I just didn’t judge my distance to the ground well enough.” When she pushed against him, he held steady for a moment then released her.

Rachel swayed and then seemed to get her balance. “See? I’m standing fine on my own.”

“Until your next step.” He shook his head. “He's not keeping you because you're weak at the knees. The doctor wants to ensure you don't have any swelling on the brain.”

She stared up at him. “At least let me go to the sink and wash the dirt and dried blood off my face.”

He nodded. “As long as you let me come along.”

She shrugged. “I have no objections.” Rachel crossed the room slowly and stopped in front of the sink, over which hung a small mirror.

Rachel glanced at her reflection and blinked. “Whoa. You could’ve told me I looked like something from the zombie apocalypse.”

Griff grinned. “Prettiest zombie I’ve ever encountered.”

Pulling several paper towels from the dispenser, she turned on the faucet, ran cool water over the paper towels and wiped them across cheeks, forehead and neck.

Careful not to disturb the gash on her forehead, she left the treatment of that injury to the nurse.

The nurse entered the room carrying a tray filled with gauze pads, scissors, bandages and more. When she spotted Rachel at the sink, she clucked like a mother hen. “You should be off your feet. If you fall, you’ll injure yourself even more.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Rachel returned to the bed and planted her bottom on the edge of the mattress.
