Page 31 of Grimm

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When Hank asked again if he wanted to work for the Brotherhood Protectors, he’d told Hank what he wanted. Anything but being a protector. He was tired of the responsibility. Tired of being a target or putting himself between a person considered a target and the ones gunning for them. He just wanted to pound nails and see the fruits of his labors grow into something solid in front of him.

Grimm parked the truck in front of the house, dropped down out of the cab and hurried around to help Dezi alight.

Hand in hand, they walked up the steps to a sweeping front porch. The sun hung low on the horizon. It wouldn’t be long before it disappeared below the mountain peaks.

A beautiful blonde stepped through the door with a baby boy on one hip and a little girl holding onto her shirttail. “You must be Grimm and Dezi.” She smiled and held out her hand. “I’m Sadie. Hank is in the war room with Swede. He asked me to bring you two down as soon as you arrived. Hank said they found what you were looking for.”

Grimm’s pulse quickened. He exchanged a quick glance with Dezi.

How likely was Hank to find the treasure so quickly when Dezi’s uncle still had many more clues for them to follow? He shook his head.

They hadn’t found the treasure. At most, they’d found the coordinates for the blue pushpin. Still, he was equally anxious to get on with the hunt, ready to see it to the end. Sooner rather than later. “Please, lead the way.”


Sadie McClain smiled.

Dezi marveled at how beautiful the woman was, even with her hands full and her hair tangled from baby fingers tugging at the lengths.

As small as Eagle Rock was, Dezi had run across Sadie on several occasions. Older than Dezi, she’d gone off to become a big-time movie star before Dezi was out of grade school. Damned if she didn’t look as young now as she had back then.

Everyone in Eagle Rock was proud of their local celebrity.

The baby in Sadie’s arms squirmed and patted her face with his chubby fist.

Dezi smiled at the woman, juggling two children, looking like a million bucks in the process.

The baby suddenly leaned over so fast he nearly launched himself out of her arms.

Sadie yelped and held on.

Grimm’s arm shot out. He captured the baby boy in both hands and plucked him from his mother’s tenuous hold. “Hey, big guy.”

The baby’s brow wrinkled, and his face started to scrunch up as he drew in a big breath, preparing to scream.

Grimm didn’t give him the chance to let loose his protest. Instead, he tossed the child into the air and caught him in both hands.

The baby squealed in delight and waved his hands for Grimm to do it again.

Grimm tossed him into the air and caught him just as easily the second time.

“You realize you’ll have to do that the rest of the night, or he’ll scream until you do,” Sadie said.

When he didn’t throw the little man again, the baby’s face crumpled, and his bottom lip trembled.

“No more,” Grimm said firmly. “Do you want your mama or me to hold you?”

The baby looked from Grimm to his mother and back to Grimm, hooking his arm around Grimm’s.

Dezi’s heart filled with joy at the picture Grimm and the baby made.

Grimm was so afraid of being a monster like his father that he was missing out on having his own children. Dezi was positive he’d make a wonderful father if he gave himself and some lucky woman a chance.

With the baby holding tightly to Grimm, they followed Sadie and her little girl into the house. The movie star called over her shoulder, “The baby’s name is McClain. My daughter is Emma. Stay with me, and I’ll take you to Hank and Swede.”

“Before we see Hank, we need to make a call to Bozeman,” Dezi said.

“You can use the land line or your cell phone. I can give you the WIFI password,” Sadie offered.
