Page 34 of Grimm

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Grimm stepped up beside Dezi. “Ready to go?”

Dezi nodded.

Grimm had the printout for the outfitter, with notes he’d jotted down while talking to him. “We have a hiking date tomorrow afternoon.”

A shiver rippled down Dezi’s spine. “Have I told you how afraid I am of heights?”

His lips twisted. “That could be a problem. You don’t have to come. I can follow this one on my own as long as one of the other guys can come along to provide protection for you.”

“Dezi could stay here at the ranch,” Sadie offered.

Hank nodded toward Dezi. “You’re more than welcome to spend the time Grimm is gone here. Our security system is one of the best.”

Dezi shook her head. “I promised to stick close to Grimm. If that means learning how to rappel, then I guess I will learn how to rappel.” She swallowed hard.

“The hardest part is getting over the edge,” Grimm said. “After that, it’s all downhill.”

“Thanks. I feel better already,” Dezi said, her tone dripping sarcasm.

Hank and Swede laughed.

Grimm’s lips twitched. “Between the outfitter and me, we’ll make sure you’re perfectly safe.”

She nodded. “I’m counting on it.”

Hank swung Emma up into his arms. “Come on. Let’s walk our guests out to their truck.”

“Daddy, put me down. I can walk all by myself,” Emma protested.

Hank kissed his daughter’s cheek and set her on her feet.

Emma marched across the room and climbed the steps leading to the main floor.

“She’s four going on fourteen.” Hank sighed. “They grow up way too fast.”

Sadie, carrying Baby McClain, and Dezi followed Emma with Grimm close behind them. Hank hung back to discuss business with Swede.

When Dezi reached the top of the stairs, a beeping sound caught her attention. “Is that an alarm going off?”

Sadie’s eyes widened. “Oh, shoot. Could you hold him for a minute? I need to pull a cake out of the oven.” She shoved Baby McClain into Dezi’s arms and dashed around the corner with Emma on her heels.

Dezi hadn’t been around too many babies. As an only child, she hadn’t had the experience of helping younger siblings, and she’d never babysat to earn money as a teen. Handling McClain was an entirely new experience. He was heavier than she’d expected and strong, based on how his arm hooked around hers. She wasn’t sure how to hold him or what to do.

McClain frowned as he studied Dezi, equally unsure of her.

“Hi,” Dezi said. “You don’t know me, but I think we can be friends if we give each other a chance, don’t you?” She smiled at the baby.

McClain’s frown lifted, and he smiled back.

That little baby smile sparked a rush of joy straight to Dezi’s heart. She’d never thought about having children. She’d spent most of her life in one school or another, working toward being the best chef she could be. Then she’d worked as a sous-chef to gain experience.

Pushed to the back of her mind had been the idea of getting married and having a family. She just hadn’t had the time to think about it. And she hadn’t met anyone who made her want those things.

McClain patted her cheek with his chubby hand and grabbed for her mouth.

Dezi laughed, caught his wrist and kissed his little fist.

Her gaze met Grimm’s over the baby’s soft black hair.
