Page 36 of Grimm

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Was it wrong of her to wish he’d give himself a chance with her?

On the way back to Eagle Rock and the Lucky Lady Lodge, Dezi sat silently in the passenger seat, caught up in the thoughts and images racing through her mind of what her life could be.

If only…

When they arrivedat the Lucky Lady Lodge, the porch lights were shining on the outside. Lights shone through the bar’s windows at the front of the building.

“I didn’t know the bar was open during the remodel,” Dezi said as they walked through the lobby. “Let’s see what’s going on.”

Dezi led the way up the steps and across the porch to the open French doors leading into the bar.

The Lucky Lady’s bar had escaped most of the damage from the explosion in the mine.

The only casualty had been the massive mirror behind the bar. As Dezi stepped through the doors, she smiled. “No wonder Molly and Parker opened the bar today.”

“Why? What’s the special occasion?”

Dezi pointed to the back of the bar. “The mirror arrived today. Now, the bar looks just like it did back in the late 1800s when the Lucky Lady was first built. It’s my favorite room in the lodge.”

Every wall in the bar had sumptuous wood trim. The bar itself was a work of ornately carved wooden art. The entire bar represented a bygone era when craftsmen took pride in their skills.

Several tables had been dragged together, and a group of men sat around them, drinking beer, laughing and talking about their day’s adventures.

“Must be the fishing tournament guests,” Dezi said. “I guess they had a good event.”

Grimm touched Dezi’s arm and nodded toward the bar. “Parker and Molly are manning the bar.”

“We should see if they need a break.” Dezi set off across the floor. “I’ll bet they’re tired after a long day of demolition.”

Molly wiped her arm across her forehead and then filled a mug full of draft beer. She set it on a tray and asked, “What can I get you?” She finally looked up and grinned. “Dezi, Grimm, it’s about time you got back. We’re all dying to know what happened in Bozeman.”

“You two look like you could use some help.”

Molly nodded. “We’ve been serving since just before six o’clock when the fishing group came in from the tournament dinner. Have you two had anything to eat?”

Dezi shook her head. “Not since breakfast. We’ve been busy chasing leads, then made a quick stop at Hank Patterson’s place before coming back here. Would you like me to tend the bar or rustle up some grub?”

Molly grinned. “Is grub a term a fancy chef should use for food?”

Heat rose in Dezi’s cheeks. “So much has happened today, I’m lucky to get coherent words out of my mouth. And I’m so hungry, I’m borderlinehangry.” She glanced toward Grimm. “I bet you’re ready to eat a whole side of beef. Remind me, why did we skip lunch?”

He laughed. “The day flew. We were leaving Bozeman before I realized it was getting late.”

“Tell you what,” Molly said. “If you two could take over the bar, Parker and I will make sandwiches out of the ham you left for us to gnaw on.”

“Are you sure?” Dezi said. “I should make the sandwiches since you hired me to be the lodge chef.”

“We’ll worry about the job another day. I could use a break from the bar. Besides, I’m sure you know more about mixed drinks than I do. The guys at the table are easy. They’re sticking with beer so far. Word is getting out that the bar is open. We’ve had a few locals drift in to check the renovation progress, see the new mirror and have a drink or two. I expect there will be more.”

“I’ve been sitting in a vehicle most of the day. You two have been on your feet.” Dezi stepped behind the bar and waved Molly and Parker out. “Go. I’ve got this covered.”

“And I’ll help.” Grimm nodded toward the tray full of mugs of beer. “These go to the fishing guys?”

Molly sighed. “Yes. And thank you. I’ll be back with food and to help if we get more of a crowd.”

Parker slipped an arm around her waist and led her away.

Dezi shook her head. “They work so hard. I hope the Lucky Lady pays off. It would be nice if all their hard work and investment has a return.”
