Page 39 of Grimm

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Molly followed Grimm to the bar and helped him fill mugs and pop the tops off longneck bottles. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay tomorrow?” she asked.

Grimm nodded. “It’ll be broad daylight, and we’re going with an outfitter. Hopefully, the killer won’t strike with a witness around.”

“You don’t know that,” Molly said, “and you’ll be way out in the boondocks. What if one of you gets hurt?” Her brow dipped low on her pretty forehead. “From what I understand, Hank has all the latest technology. At the very least, borrow a satellite phone from him. Cell phones aren’t reliable in the Crazies.”

“That’s actually a good idea. I’ll call Hank in the morning. We aren’t scheduled to meet with the outfitter until afternoon.”

Molly filled a glass with draft beer. “I’m sorry this is happening to Dez. I know her uncle was her last living relative.” She stared across the floor at her friend. “She needs to remember that she has sisters.Weare her family.”

Grimm nodded. “That means a lot to her.”

Molly snorted. “Tell me about it. I’ve always been surrounded by brothers. I love having sisters of the heart.” She swiped a single tear slipping down her own cheek. “Now, look what I’ve done. I’ve made myself cry. That’s how deeply I feel for Dezi.” She turned her direct gaze on him. “Are you and Dezi getting along?” She cocked an eyebrow.

Grimm didn’t know how to answer the question. Was she wondering if their personalities were clashing? Or was she digging to find out if he and her friend were getting closer than a bodyguard and client relationship?

Molly’s eyebrows rose, and a smirky smile curled her lips. “You don’t have to answer that. I already got the picture.” She gathered the tray of drinks. “Let’s get those boys some drinks before they raise a ruckus.”

Grimm poured pretzels into bowls and followed Molly to the table where his team was discussing the different rappelling techniques they’d used in the past.

Grimm sat beside Dezi, ready to leave his group of friends to be alone with the petite chef.

More locals wandered into the bar, giving him and Dezi an excuse to be alone behind the bar, even if they weren’t alone in the room.

Dezi placed a glass beneath the draft beer tap and filled it, saying under her breath, “Do we need more support for our hiking trip tomorrow?”

Grimm chose that moment to walk up behind her. “Maybe.”

She frowned at him. “What kind of bullshit answer is that?”

He grinned. “The kind that I don’t really have an answer for.” Holding his palms upward, he said, “I can’t predict the future. However, I can come packing a loaded weapon.”

She smiled. “A loaded weapon might be exactly what we need, as long as we don’t shoot ourselves with it. You’re the expert. I trust that won’t happen.”

Grimm shook his head. “You slay me, woman.”

She tilted her head to one side. “I don’t think I’ve ever slayed a man before. Is it painful?”

He touched a hand to his heart. “Very painful to my heart and my ego.”

She laughed. “Mostly your ego.”

Grimm nodded toward the big table with the guys from the fishing tournament. “They’re finally leaving.”

Dezi’s forehead wrinkled. “Do you think we need to walk a couple of them to their rooms?”

One of the fishing guys looped another man’s arm around his neck and headed into the lodge. His friend’s gate was unsteady but manageable if he got him to his room before one or the other of the two passed out.

“I think they’ve got it.” Grimm washed a beer mug and laid it on a wire rack to dry.

His team rose from the table, gathered their mugs and carried them to the bar.

Grimm washed the mugs, glasses and bowls and laid them in the dish drainer to dry.

Drake hung back while the others headed for their rooms and a good night’s sleep. “It’s nice to be able to stay at the lodge now that we’re about to start the reconstruction. Our team doesn’t have far to go to get to work.”

Molly and Parker joined Grimm, Drake and Dezi at the bar. “It made sense to move the construction crew into the lodge.”

Parker nodded. “And it freed up the bed and breakfast for other guests coming in for the annual county fair.”
