Page 48 of Grimm

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Her gaze went to the bulge beneath Grimm’s jacket. “You have a gun.”

“I do. And I have no problem using it on someone threatening me or someone I care about. What I don’t like is that things could go sideways. I’m worried that you might get caught in the crossfire and become collateral damage.”

Her frown deepened. “I’m willing to take the chance.”

He touched her hand where it lay on her lap. “What if I’m not willing to take that risk?”

She turned her hand over and closed her fingers around his. “You don’t have to come. I can do this on my own. I don’t want you to risk your life for my crazy treasure hunt.”

He smiled. “I’m fine with risking my life. I’m not fine with risking yours.”

Dezi lifted her chin. “It’s my choice. If we don’t go together, I’ll go by myself.”

Grimm’s lips pressed into a tight line as he shook his head. “Not an option.”

She squeezed his hand and gave him a tight smile. “Then we’d better get going if we want to meet the outfitter at the arranged time.”

Grimm stared up at her. “I wouldn’t worry if I didn’t care.”

Dezi cupped his cheek. “Thank you for caring. It means a lot to me.” She leaned down, pressed her lips to his in a brief kiss, and then sat in her seat. “I’m still going.”

Grimm chuckled. “You’re a stubborn woman.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “You’re a hard-headed man, and we’re wasting time name-calling.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He straightened, closed the door and hurried around to get in.

The drive to where they would meet up with the outfitter took nearly an hour on curving roads and switchbacks. They arrived at the location the man had given them to find a truck trailer and three four-wheelers lined up in a gravel pull-out area where a sign had been posted indicating a trailhead leading to the Needle’s Eye. Only hikers, horses and ATVs were allowed.

One of the four-wheelers was packed with climbing and rappelling equipment, strapped down with bungee cords.

The outfitter met them with a smile and a handshake. “Hi, I’m Chad. I’ll be your guide for the afternoon.”

Grimm shot a glance toward Dezi before he gripped the man’s hand and said, “I’m Grimm; this is Dezi. You might want to be aware of a few things before we get started.”

Chad’s eyebrows rose. “You two will need to know a few things as well.” He dipped his head. “You first.”

Grimm explained their purpose for visiting the Needle’s Eye and their need to be there in the late afternoon sunshine. He also explained that they might encounter someone else trying to get there before them.

“And we think he’s a killer,” Dezi added. “You need to know the danger you might be getting into.”

Chad gave a twisted grin. “Sounds like something out of an action-adventure movie.”

“You don’t have to take us if you’re at all concerned for your well-being,” Dezi insisted.

“Are you kidding?” His grin spread. “I’m in. I might not be armed, but I carry pepper spray in case we run into any bears. Although, it’s not effective unless you get close.”

Grimm nodded. “If you’re okay with the circumstances, we’re ready.”

“I’m ready,” Chad said. “We’ll need to push through to make it down the Needle’s Eye to catch the afternoon sunshine and whatever it leads us to, and then to get back out before dark.”

Chad gave them the safety briefing and instructions on how to operate the four-wheelers. They climbed on and headed down the trail with Chad in the lead, Dezi in the middle and Grimm bringing up the rear.

The old mining road had long since deteriorated into nothing more than a trail that could be navigated by horse, ATV and some small four-wheel-drive vehicles with high clearance for the areas where the rocks jutted out.

When they left the trailhead, their vehicles were the only ones there. Hopefully, that meant the man who’d taken the map and letter had yet to figure out the clue and the location on the map.

They might just have the day to themselves with no danger lurking.
