Page 53 of Grimm

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“That’s also a possibility,” Hank agreed.

Dezi leaned toward Grimm’s cell phone. “Did you send someone to Bozeman to find out who the fourth poker player is?”

“I went to Bozeman today to speak with the coroner, the police detective and Eugene’s neighbors. The police went through Eugene’s house and found a calendar pinned to the wall with poker dates penned in every two weeks, alternating the location among the players. Several notes on the calendar indicated Joe’s place, Leon’s place, my place or Albert’s. We’re still running through all the Alberts in Bozeman and the surrounding area. Who knew there were so many?”

“Are you narrowing the age range to men about my Uncle Eugene’s age?”

“We did the search based on an age between thirty-five and eighty,” Hank responded. “I went to several of Eugene’s neighbors to ask if they’d ever played poker with Leon Thomas. None of them had. Most were younger than fifty. We haven’t given up. Swede is performing a background check on Eugene Gifford and Leon Thomas to see if we can get any hits on people they spent time with on a daily basis.”

“Let us know anything you find,” Grimm said. “Tomorrow, we head for the ghost town at the base of two peaks.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Hank asked. “Ghost towns can be dangerous if someone is squatting there. Or, in your case, it could be dangerous if someone is lying in wait for you to show them the way to the treasure.”

“We’ll be careful,” Grimm said. “However, if you have someone available, send him our way tomorrow.”

“Send the coordinates, and I’ll see what I can do,” Hank promised.

“Will do.”

I hope things go smoothly for you and Dezi,” Hank said. “You still have the satellite phone?”

Grimm dipped his head. “We have it and plan on taking it with us tomorrow.”

“Good,” Hank said. A long pause stretched between Hank and Grimm. “Be safe and come home in one piece.”

“Roger.” Grimm hoped they did. If the treasure happened to be hidden somewhere in the building at the base of the peaks, whoever wanted it bad enough to kill two and injure a third could show up to claim his prize.

It would be up to Grimm to keep Dezi safe. He hoped he could do it. Failure wasn’t an option.

When they arrived at the lodge, the bar was open for business and more vehicles lined the parking lot than the night before.

Dezi sighed. “I know I should offer to help serve, but I’m tired and dirty from crawling around in the dust and gravel.”

“Same,” Grimm said.

“But we should ask, anyway,” she said.

Grimm parked the truck and came around to help Dezi down from her seat. Once she was on the ground, he pulled her into his arms and held her for a long moment. “You were amazing out there.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her cheek against his chest. “You weren’t so bad yourself.”

“So, did we make you want to rappel again?”

Dezi shook her head. “I’m still afraid of heights. It was an ego boost to know I could do it despite my fears.”

He tipped her chin up and stared down into her eyes. They were pools of indigo with the shiny reflection of stars lighting their darkness. “You’re beautiful.”

She laughed breathlessly. “I’m dirty.”

“We can fix that,” he said with a grin.

Dezi smiled up at him. “After we ask if they need our help?”

“You bet.” He took her hand and hurried her up the steps and through the open French doors into the bar.

Dezi smiled and greeted everyone she came into contact with. When they reached the bar, Grimm expected to see Molly or Parker.

Neither were there. Instead, a barrel-chested man filled beer mugs and poured whiskey into glasses. “You two here to work or just passing through?”
