Page 55 of Grimm

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Grimm pulled her closer and rested his cheek against her hair, loving the fresh scent of the shampoo she’d used.

As he drifted to sleep, he imagined a home filled with Dezi, children and love. Anything was possible with this woman.

To get on with life, they just had to live past the treasure hunt.

Dezi wokein the gray light of pre-dawn, her cheek pressed against Grimm’s chest, her leg draped over his thigh and feeling happier than she’d ever thought humanly possible.

Being with Grimm filled her up to full and overflowing. He kept her safe, was gentle with her and made her want more in her life than just a career. Not that she wanted to give up her job as the lodge chef. But he made her want what she didn’t have.


A husband, half a dozen children and maybe a dog or two. She smiled into the near darkness, enjoying the feel of his body against hers, wishing it could be like this every morning.

She lay there as long as she could before she had to begin the work of preparing breakfast.

Eventually, she slipped out of bed, pulled on clothes and shoes and entered the bathroom. After closing the door softly behind her, she applied the minimum amount of make-up to brighten her face, combed her hair and brushed her teeth.

When she emerged from the bathroom, Grimm was fully dressed and pulling on his boots.

“I was about to go down and start breakfast,” she said.

“I’ll help. We need to leave here by seven to get to where Chad will be waiting with the ATVs.”

Dezi nodded. “We should have enough time if we get a move on.”

When she started to move past him, he snagged her hand and pulled her close. “We’re going to solve this mystery today,” he said.

She nodded. “I get the same feeling.” Dezi chuckled. “Or is it just wishful thinking?”

“Make it the power of positive thinking. Think it…believe it…make it real.” Grimm tipped her chin up and pressed a kiss to her lips.

Inside, Dezi thoughtHe loves me. I believe he loves me. Now, make it real.

He took her hand and walked with her to the kitchen. Once in her sanctuary, they repeated the same actions they’d performed the day before, preparing and serving the food to customers and staff.

Grimm’s team, Molly and Parker listened as they told them about their journey to the cave with the pictographs and the building added later.

“Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to meet our outfitter guide soon.” Grimm stood and helped Dezi to her feet.

“Do you need backup today?” Drake asked.

“We didn’t need it yesterday, but things might get dicey today.”

Molly chewed on her bottom lip. “I have everyone full tasked,” she said. “But I could delay Murdock’s start on the drywall work.”

Murdock nodded. “I can work late in the evening to catch up.”

“We’ll see,” Molly said.

“Chad will already be on the way with the three ATVs. You’ll have to get an ATV from someone else and meet us at the ghost town.”

Molly nodded. “I’ll get my brother Angus to bring some of the four-wheelers we have at the ranch. He might have time to join you.”

Murdock nodded. “We’ll catch up.”

“Okay then,” Dezi said. “I’ll clean the kitchen when we get back. Just leave the dishes on the counter.” She faced Grimm. “I want to brush my teeth and grab a jacket.”

“Let’s do it.”
