Page 116 of For Now, Not Forever

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Tension replaces my amusement. I hate how I’m affected by just one mention of her. Unfortunately, Natalie isn’t the girl you just get over. She’s the one you can’t stop thinking about.


“Why not?”

“We’re done. I’m sure she’s busy with classes. Cheer.”Guys. Parties.

“Funny. She told me you were busy with football.”

“You talked to her?” I glare at Maeve. “What the fuck did you say?”

“Relax, Liam. I was nice. I told her all the same things I’ve been trying to tell you. And…”


“And I get it. I get why you like her.”

I scoff, partly to cover up my surprise. I expected—hoped—Maeve would support me, no matter what. But I wasn’t thinking she’d warm to Natalie much. At all.

“When did you talk to her?”

“Right before I came back to campus. Weeks ago.”

Disappointment settles in my stomach, even though I assumed that’s when it must have been. Whatever their conversation consisted of—and I probably don’t want the details—it didn’t end with Natalie reaching out. I haven’t talked to her since I dropped her off at her house that night. She didn’t even message me on my birthday a few weeks ago.

“Maeve, I know you mean well. But I really don’t want—”

“What are you going to do instead, Liam? You look exhausted. Matt said you’re messing up in practice. Mom keeps texting me, worried about you. You haven’t gone to a single party since we got back. I haven’t seen you talk to a girl. If you want Natalie, go talk to her.”

I blink at her, then laugh. “I can’t do that.”

“Why not? Everyone already knows.”

“She’s out of my league,” I mutter.

“Liam.” Maeve laughs, then stops when she catches sight of the murderous glare I aim her way. “Liam,” she says again, softer. “She’s not.”

“I act like an idiot around her, Maeve. I don’t know what to say or do half the time.”

“That’s not a bad thing. It just means you like her.”

“I don’t think I was a game. But I think I care—more than she does. She’s probably hooking up with someone new already.”

“Gofind out, Liam. Stop torturing yourself about it.”

“I have practice this afternoon. I can’t justleave.”

“I’ll cover for you with Coach. Here.” Maeve pulls the sedan keys out of her pocket and presses them in my palm. She took the car to get groceries this morning.

My fingers close around the warm metal. I can’t believe I’m considering doing this. From the start, I never let myself entertain seeing anything through with Natalie. Never pictured a future, let alone the forever we both dismissed.

But I want it—want her.

Maeve’s right, I am torturing myself imagining her with other guys, out dancing and drinking. I wonder what she’s drawing. How things are with her parents. What her friends said when they found out about us. If she ever thinks about me.

I miss her.

I stand and start down the steps.
