Page 124 of For Now, Not Forever

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He’s referring to a photo Liam posted from his visit to BU last weekend. I’ve gone to visit him at Arlington a few times, but we both prefer when he comes to me. There’s more to do in Boston—Arlington doesn’t have much off the immediate campus. And I don’t go to school with anyone from Alleghany. Several other people from Glenmont, besides Liam, ended up at Arlington. He’s also better known on campus, so people are more likely to stare when we walk around together.

“Wes says we’re being too hard on you.” Chris studies my reaction to that statement closely.

I shrug. “I’d probably act the same way toward you if you ended up with a Glenmont girl.”

Chris keeps staring.

“Is he here?”

“No. He had practice. Guy’s dedicated, I’ll give him that.”

“Yeah, he is,” I agree.

Chris starts walking toward the kitchen, and I fall into step beside him. “Want a drink?” he asks. “I hid all the good stuff in the cabinet above the fridge.”

“That’s where the good stuff always is, Chris.”

He grins. “Yeah. So?”

“I’m good, thanks. I’m not drinking tonight.”

“You’re not pregnant, are you?”

I choke on a laugh. “No. Definitely not. Just driving.”

“Thank God. Where would the kid live? You and Stevens would have to move to Fayetteville.”

“Your mind sounds like a scary place to be, Fields. And I’d make Liam move to Alleghany, obviously.”

Chris laughs. “There’s the cutthroat cheer captain.”

I roll my eyes as we walk into the kitchen, immediately noticing the two new additions.

Maeve and Wes are standing by the kitchen counter, talking to Josh. They both glance over as Chris and I walk back into the kitchen.

I swallow, a little nervous all of a sudden. Wes and I haven’t talked much lately. He’s reached out a couple of times, checking in. But our conversations have been brief. I didn’t want to put him in the middle any more than he already is.

Maeve and I have talked even less since the conversation in the Coles’ front yard. I’ve seen her when I’ve been at Arlington to visit Liam, but that’s it. She’s been friendly but stiff around me, like she’s not sure what to do or say. I feel the same way. I’m not sure if she doesn’t like me or if she thinks I don’t like her. There are a lot of awkward entanglements to wade through between my friendship with Wes and the fact Liam is her twin brother.

“Hey, Natalie.” Wes appears totally at ease as I approach, dropping his hand from Maeve’s waist to give me a quick hug.

“Hey,” I reply. “Congrats on the win.”

He grins. “Thanks.”

Lincoln is having another amazing season, and from what I’ve heard, Wes deserves most of the credit.

“Your dad was there?”


“It was good?”

“Yeah, it was.”

“I’m glad.” I smile at him, then glance at Maeve. “Hi, Maeve.”

“Hey, Natalie.”
