Page 26 of Kiss Now, Lie Later

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“That probably wouldn’t end very well for either of us,” Maeve finishes.

I laugh, even though I’ve come to view the Alleghany rivalry with Glenmont as anything but amusing. Mostly due to the blonde standing in front of me. “Probably not,” I agree.

“Okay, well, I’ll see you, Wes,” Maeve gives me a small smile before she walks toward her sedan.

“Aren’t we meeting tomorrow?” I call after her. We’ve met every Saturday for the past few weeks, since it seems to be the only day we’re both always free.

Maeve spins around, biting her lip in what I recognize as one of her nervous tells. “Uh, no. I’m actually leaving for my grandparents’ early tomorrow morning. We always spend a week there before school starts.”

I’m startled by how much the knowledge I won’t see her for the next week bothers me. I’ve come to rely on hanging out with her more than I realized.

“Where do your grandparents live?”

“It’s a small beach town. In South Carolina.”

“Sounds nice.”

“Yeah, it is. But my mom’s real estate office has a branch there, so she’ll end up working the whole time. And my dad will be preparing for the season and training with Liam. Plus, Liam convinced our parents to let him bring Matt along as a ‘training buddy.’ Maggie has cheer, and my other best friends are gone for the summer, so I’ll mostly be playing card games with my grandmother.” She laughs. “Thrilling times.”

“Matt Crawford is going on vacation with your family?” I hope my voice sounds nonchalant because I’m feeling anything but.

“Yup,” Maeve confirms. “See you later, Cole.”

“Bye, Stevens,” I manage.

Maeve climbs into her car and pulls away, leaving me standing here. I’ve been so focused on all the reasons why she and I can’t work, I never stopped to consider that she and someone else could.

It’s an unsettling thought, but not as disconcerting as the realization of how much it would bother me. Seeing her with another guy.

I know I am attracted to Maeve, but this possessiveness?

It’s new.

It’s concerning.

I drive home, opting to slip in through the back door when I arrive. I can hear my parents arguing in the kitchen, and I have no interest in getting involved in their latest spat. I head up the main staircase, dropping my football bag on the dark wooden floor of my bedroom. I shower, and dress in my standard summer uniform of shorts and a t-shirt.

I head back out into the hallway as soon as I’ve finished getting ready and encounter my mother as soon as I hit the stairs.

“Weston!” she exclaims. “I didn’t realize you were home.”

“Not surprised you didn’t hear me pull in,” I reply. “Sounded like you and Dad were having another lively conversation.”

She sighs. “Weston, don’t start, please.”

“Fine. I’m going out.”


“I’m meeting some of the guys.” I start down the stairs.

“Okay, don’t be out too late!” my mother calls after me.

I don’t respond. My father’s car is already missing when I reach the driveway. I climb back into my car, and peel out of the driveway, headed toward the one pizza place in town.

Since it’s a Friday night, the restaurant is packed when I arrive. It takes me a while to navigate through the hordes of people wanting to talk to me, but finally, I plop down in the booth next to Chris.

“Sure you don’t have a few more adoring fans to greet?” he asks, grinning.
