Page 52 of Kiss Now, Lie Later

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I could probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen my father not wearing a suit, and this is not one of them. He strides up the driveway, looking every inch the uppity businessman.

“Good afternoon, boys,” he greets. “Didn’t get your fill at practice?”

“It was a film day, Mr. Cole,” Charlie answers when it becomes clear I’m not going to.

“Ah, I see. Well, I’ll catch you boys later. Looking forward to the game this Friday.” He heads inside the house.

“Looks like you and your father are closer than ever,” Chris observes.

“Yup,” I respond, sending the ball spiraling through the air again.

Chris and Charlie exchange a glance, but don’t say anything else.



“Spill it, Maggie,” Sarah instructs as we all take seats out on her patio to enjoy the warm sunshine before the cold weather fully descends. That’s fall in Connecticut for you. Summer one day, winter the next.

“Spill what?” Maggie replies coyly, taking a sip of her lemonade.

“You’re our Alleghany spy! Give us all the gossip!” Sarah tells Maggie, bouncing in her seat.

I roll my eyes and take a sip of cola.

“Honestly, there’s not much new from last week, when you complained you didn’t know anyone I was talking about.” Maggie rolls her eyes to emphasize how offended she still is we cut off her speculation about a couple we’ve never seen or met after thirty minutes. “Alleghany High is not that different from Glenmont, to be honest. Same drama, just different people.”

“What about Weston Cole?” Brooke chimes in with. “There’s always good gossip about him. Don’t you see him around school?”

I play it completely cool. Meaning I half-swallow, half-spit the soda and then begin coughing violently.

“Shit, Maeve. Are you okay?” Sarah asks.

“Fine,” I croak, taking another sip of carbonated liquid to soothe my burning throat. “Wrong pipe.”

I should have expected the topic of Wes might come up, but I didn’t.

Satisfied I’m not choking, Brooke turns back to Maggie. “Well?”

“Not really. We don’t have any classes together, so I hardly see him at school. The only Alleghany party I saw him at was the one I dragged Maeve to at the start of the summer. He’s at practice and games, obviously, but that’s basically it. I’ve never even talked to him.”

Brooke sighs loudly. “Well, that’s seriously disappointing. You having the chance to hook up with Weston Cole was the only part of you moving to Alleghany I was excited about. There are some cute guys in Glenmont, but he is in a league all of his own.”

“You’re preaching to the choir, sister.” Maggie sighs. “There was a rumor he and Natalie were a thing again, but I haven’t seen them together.”

An uncomfortable weight settles in my stomach. Brooke begins questioning Maggie about the Alleghany cheer team but I’m barely listening, lost in my own thoughts. I’ve seen even less of Wes lately than usual, and I assumed it was because of his upcoming college visit and the game against Glenmont. But I never considered he might be seeing other girls. We’ve never discussed being exclusive over the last few weeks of sneaking around; I just assumed that we were.

We head inside when the sun starts to go down, and I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I walk into Sarah’s kitchen and lean against the counter. I pull my phone out of my pocket and find Wes in my texts. His name in my phone is stillgood at one thing, and I can’t help but smile when I see it, despite the confusion I’m grappling with.

Can you meet now?I send him.

Immediately, three dots appear at the bottom of the screen.Yes.Then,Everything okay? Thought you were busy until eight tonight.

Yup. Plans changed. I’m leaving now, I reply.

“I thought you were going to the bathroom?” Maggie asks, walking into the kitchen. I’m so startled I drop my phone on the counter.

“Uh—yeah, I am. Going to,” I stutter, grabbing my phone and making sure the screen is off and unshattered.
