Page 73 of Kiss Now, Lie Later

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I turn back to Matt, but he’s already jogging away.

This time, I claim the passenger seat from Liam. I don’t want to risk having to sit next to Matt. Awkward tension crackles between us, and I hope everyone else in the packed car is oblivious to it.

“Check this out!” Sam leans over the center console and shows me a picture he took of the field. It’s an impressive sight, I have to admit, looking at the metal half-moons scattered across the entire field.

Until I spot something in the corner of the photo that makes my stomach drop with a sickening slosh.

It’s me and Matt. Kissing.

Panic claws at me. “Don’t send that photo to anyone, okay?”

“Already did. Cole’s going to lose his mind.”

He’s right, but not for the reason he thinks. Wes will care less about the stupid prank. Matt kissing me? I doubt he’ll be so cavalier.

I look at the photo again. My back is to the camera, but the insignia on the back of the sweatshirt is clearly visible. On the back ofWes’ssweatshirt.

“You need to drop me off first,” my voice is panicked, and I don’t bother to hide it. “Now.”

Sam gives me a weird look but puts the car in gear. “What’s the big rush?”

“I have a study thing,” I improvise wildly.

“Now? It’s almost ten.”

“I told one of my teammates I’d help her out. This was the only time we could both meet.” I’m barely cognizant of the words coming out of my own mouth, but Sam doesn’t question me further, so they must have made some sense.

I jump out of the car as soon as we pull up outside my house. I dart inside only to grab the sedan keys and then climb in the car. There aren’t any messages on my screen, and my unease grows. I text WesLeaving now,and he doesn’t respond. I check his location. He’s at home.

The drive to Alleghany is an agonizing one. Did he check my location? Did he see the photo?

I park in front of his house. There are a couple of lights on, but I’m saved from the conundrum of how to enter his house when I hear the pound of a basketball against the pavement.

Wes is shooting hoops into the basket fixed above the garage door. His shoulders tense underneath theAlleghany Footballshirt he’s wearing as I approach, but he doesn’t turn or greet me. I know he’s already seen the photo before I see his face.

“You knew,” his voice stutters, and it guts me. “You knew that was the one—the one fucking thing that I couldn’t forgive.”

“Wes—I didn’t cheat on you. I know the photo looks bad. I do. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you where I was. But it was not because I was cheating on you. I made it clear to Matt I’m not interested. He caught me off guard, and I pushed him away. I didn’t know Sam was taking a photo—it was just a split second, and I—”

“Leave.” Wes finally turns to me, and it’s with an expression I haven’t seen since the second time I encountered him in that Alleghany kitchen. Glacial. Austere. Distant.

Light years away from how he normally looks at me.

“Wes. Please listen—”

“We’re playing Glenmont tomorrow night. I can’t even look at you, and I’ve got to go there tomorrow—Was that your plan all along? To get me to fall in love with you and cheat on me the day before we play the Stallions?”

I jerk back, stung by the accusation. “How the fuck can you ask me that?”

“Or is it that he’s from Glenmont? And can cheer for you at soccer games and is friends with your brother? You got sick of slumming it in Alleghany? Thank God I didn’t tell any of my friends about you. That none of them know the photo they sent me was you cheating on me with Matt fucking Crawford on my fucking field.” Venom drips from every harsh word.

“Are you sure you’re not just looking for an easy out now, Wes?” I fire back. “Shit got real between us and you can’t handle it, so you’re willing to look at one photo and forget about the past six months?”

I’ve never seen Wes look so angry. “You need to fucking leave, Maeve. Now.”

So, I do.

Before either of us can do any more damage.
