Page 13 of My Fair Rakess

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On the heels of that thought, he stilled. Hehungeredfor her…and that rocked him back on his heels, forcing him to take a few steady breaths to orient himself against the shocking awareness. Since his rise to success as a gambling den owner, he’d had several lovers, ladies from all classes of society. Edmond had wanted each one and took each lady to his bed with sensual enthusiasm, where they had a damn good time. Yet none had ever made him feel this hunger from a few biting conversations and a saucy wink.

“The lady is clever,” a low, amused voice said from behind him.

“The lady is a menace,” Edmond rebutted as his brother, Ollie, came to stand beside him.

“Still, a clever menace. I am now finally convinced she is the one who stole the IOUs.”

The incredulity in his brother’s voice pulled a frown to Edmond’s face. “I was never in doubt of it. She conveniently did not attend the dinner at Lucien and her sister’s townhouse. What was that excuse again?”

“Ah yes,” Ollie said with a chuckle. “A ghastly headache would make her company intolerable for all who witnessed her suffering and could not help commiserating.”

Edmond grunted. “She will not be able to run forever.”

“She is doing a darn good job. The lady is also very beautiful and—”

“Wipe the admiration from your tone.”

Ollie stiffened. “The hell you say! Are you warning me from her?”

Before he could answer, his brother inhaled sharply. “By God, you want her.”

“Do not be a fool,” he said tightly, a peculiar sensation drifting through his body.

Ollie chuckled. “You damn well do. Be careful, Edmond, be very careful.”

He pinned his brother with a hard stare. “Why is that warning necessary?”

“Because you always get what you want. Always.”

A primal sort of satisfaction slithered through Edmond. “Should you not then offer congratulations for my upcoming good fortune?”

Ollie glared. “No. Because I am also certain you have no plans to marry her.”

Something harsh jolted through Edmond’s heart, and he stiffened. “What does marriage have to do with wanting a woman?”

“You forget she is not just any woman who might succumb to your seduction if that is your aim. Sheisfamily…”

“If you say she is my sister, by God, I will drop you on your arse,” Edmond hissed, surprised at the frustration going through him.

“Bloody hell,” Ollie said with a mocking whistle. “You do have it badly. I am even more impressed with Miss Ester Fairbanks.”

“I only mean to retrieve the IOUs, nothing more,” he said flatly.

“If she refuses to hand them over?”

There went that wash of eagerness again curling in Edmond’s belly, licking against his insides like a living flame.

“Ah, I see you plan to relish that challenge.”

“Dealing with Ester Fairbanks will not be a challenge,” he said wryly. “A mere annoyance that will be dealt with expeditiously as I have business to attend to.”

“There is nothing wrong if you like her,” Ollie said softly. “In fact, I am damn glad that you do.”

“I said nothing about liking the damn woman. I hardly know her.”

His brother chuckled. “You are always alone, Edmond. You make no time for any relationship or companionship. You’ve had lovers, I know. For a night or two. That is it. Have you ever taken a walk with a lady under the moonlight? Danced with one? Given her flowers? Or even dream of a future for yourself with children?”

Something inside of him stilled and grew cold. “What nonsense are you hammering about?”
