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Devrie kisses the other corner of my mouth. “With sweet talk like that, you might just find that happily ever after.”

I cup her face in my hands and lean down and give her the most loving kiss I can, a kiss that will last a lifetime.

“I’ll take that happily ever after.”



Eighty-four hours of labor later, I’m finally getting wheeled down to the hospital nursery to see my baby boy.

“You aren’t going to hold your labor over my nephew’s head for the rest of your life, right?” Denny asks, as he rolls me down the sterile white hallway.

“You try passing a football-sized human out of your body for almost four days, and you can talk about what I can and can’t say to my child,” I grumble.

Denny chuckles as we make the final turn around the corner and stop in front of the large window that overlooks the nursery. Alec is already inside with our son. Typical, the mom does all the hard work, but dad gets the rewards. Maybe I’m not over how hard my last few days have been.

Alec turns when he sees us, and I can see the little nugget who gave me so much trouble. But even as much as I will complain in the future to him, I will always be grateful that he’s finally here.

“He looks like Dad,” Denny says, stepping closer to the window and nearly pressing his nose against it.

“Really?” I smile. “Mom was here earlier, and she thought he looked like his uncle.”

Denny’s grin widens as he turns to me. “Are you ever going to tell me his name, or are we just going to call him nugget for the rest of his life?”

“Be nice to me. I just gave you your first nephew.” I tease.

“Thank you,” he says sincerely. “Now tell me his name.”

“Well as much fun as it’s been torturing you all of my pregnancy—” I stop for a moment as I try and grip the handles of my wheelchair to stand. Denny is quick to help me. “I want you to meet your nephew—Denny.”

“I did.” He points to Alec on the other side of the glass, making funny faces at our son. “He’s right there.”

“Oh my gosh,” I groan. “His name is Denny. After you and dad.”

Realization flashes in his eyes, and he pulls me into a hug.

“Easy there,” I tell him as I pat him on the back. “I’m still recovering here.”

“I’m so sorry.” He pulls back. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say that besides being his fun uncle, you’ll look out for him like you always did and still do for me.”

“That’s a promise,” he says, turning back to the window.

Alec and I lock eyes, and he gives me a quick wink. We’d planned for me to tell Denny this news one-on-one. But I’m still glad he could be a part of it.

“I love you,” he mouths to me.

“I love you too,” I mouth back.

I touch my lips to the tips of my fingers and press them against the window.
