Page 8 of Ruined Beauty

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“Move!” I yell at her. She sees the look in my eyes and her face turns pale. She runs for the cab, jumping in as I slam the door shut. “Go!” I yell at the driver.

He races off as the attacking car comes straight for me. The cab turns the corner, out of sight in time for the car racing toward me to make its move. I dive to the left as it tries to hit me. The right wheel brushes my side, missing me by less than an inch.

They try to brake as they slip by. Only the tires are shitty and the sidewalk is wet.

It bumps the curb, the front of the hood slamming into the wall of the bar with an almighty crash.

I get to my feet and brush myself down. My suit will need cleaning after this. I’ve killed for less.

There are two of them in the car. The driver’s already dead, his neck broken. He wasn’t wearing his safety belt. The passenger is alive, barely.

He’s moaning, sub-machine gun still in his hands, smoke rising from the barrel, the smell of cordite and blood filling the interior of the vehicle. It’s being joined by the pungent aroma of leaking gas.

The guy’s got less than a minute before the car goes up in flames. He looks up at me and speaks through broken teeth, his lips swelling up with every word.

“Mr. Piper sends his regards,” he says, trying to turn the gun toward me. He pulls the trigger, but the barrel’s empty.

“Unlucky,” I tell him, plucking the gun from his arms.

There’s a gurgle at the back of his throat and then foam appears on his lips. It’s pink and growing dark red as he takes his final bubbling breaths. I’ve seen it many times before. No one ever comes back from this.

I stand back from the car as my people come out from the bar, trying to drag him out of there, hoping to interrogate him. It’s too late. He’s already dead.

A thought occurs to me. A thought that chills my blood. If Piper sent these two muppets after me, he’ll probably be after my family as well.

I shouldn’t have left the compound for the meeting. I’ve been an idiot. It was a distraction to get me out of the way while he got to them.

I sprint to my car, climbing in and slamming down on the gas. The tires spin as the engine roars. I shoot down the street, cursing my stupidity.

That was why Piper wanted to meet in person. I can’t believe I was so dumb. The only reason he chose the location was to make sure I was right where he wanted me. Wide street. Long approach. I was a sitting duck the whole time.

He probably hired the woman to play the perfect part. That would explain the chemistry between us. She manufactured it. He found one that he knew I’d like. My libido did the rest.

She got me outside, but the timing was slightly out. The car was late. The shooter’s aim was off. A hundred ways I could be dead, but I’m still alive.

I got lucky once again; I guess.

What about my family? My parents? My sister?

I should have known. For him to suddenly say he wants to meet, sort all this out face to face. Alarm bells should have rung louder and sooner.

I took my men with me, but I should have chosen the location. I should have picked the time and the place. I won’t be this stupid ever again.

Worst part of it all is her. The woman he hired to get me outside. She hit all the right buttons. Gorgeous, petite, plenty of fire in her eyes and in her belly. Not afraid of talking back to me. In need of help. Or at least that was her story.

I should have guessed it was a setup. No one that perfect just appears in your life. Of course, she was doing what she was paid to do. I saw her in the grocery store, should have interrogated her there. Made her tell me the plan.

I try to call home as I drive, but no one answers. That’s not good. Someone always answers the phone. That’s just the way things are in our family.

I race back to the compound, fearing the worst.

I smell the smoke before I see the fire. I turn the corner that leads up to our place and I have to stop. Fire trucks block the road ahead of me, lights flashing, telling me everything I need to know.



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