Page 38 of Savage Hunter

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“Come from Zeke’s farm just off route four.”

“He makes good stuff.”

“So do you. This is impressive.”

My phone beeps in my pocket. “Got to take this,” I say, pulling it out and walking out her front door. “Talk to me,” I say down the line.

Morgan’s voice sounds tired. “Got you something,” he says.

“You cracked it? Good work.”

“Didn’t even get close. They’ve got more security than an army of me could handle. Would take weeks to chip away at it using brute force passes.”

“So you’ve got nothing?”

“Didn’t say that, did I?”

“Get to the point. I’m busy.”

“All right. Chill out. I ran some bypasses on her family and something came up.”


“Uncle’s been in incognito mode online, but left traces of cookies for me to track.”

“In English.”

“Vincenzo Marino has been searching for coffins online.”


“Coffins. Funeral services. Getting quotes on the Q.T. You want my opinion, you get a couple of minutes with him and he’ll crack like a dry twig. Who needs coffins other than a man setting up a hit?”

“Set up a meeting with him for tomorrow.”


“Tell him anything. Just get me in the same room as him.”

“Got his schedule here. Might be easier if you just turn up at the bank. He’ll be there from nine until four, according to this.”

“Good work, Morgan. I owe you.”

“Remember that when bonus season gets here.”

The line goes dead.

Her uncle. Not definite, but it would make a kind of sense. Dad out of the picture. Empire and all its wealth up for grabs.

I get an idea. What if this is about inheritance? Could be her dad wanted the empire to go to her. His Will would say so.

I go back inside, straight into the lounge, running my hands through the paperwork we’ve been examining. “What are you looking for?” she asks from the doorway, fork still in her hand.

“The will,” I reply, looking up at her. “Your father’s Will. That’s what I couldn’t see. You get all his papers but not his Will? Have you seen it?”

“No, I’ve not seen it. Did I not tell you already? I don’t want his money.”

I smile, getting to my feet. “Yeah, I get that. But what if he wants you to have it and your uncle wants it for himself? Wants it badly enough to order a hit on his own niece?”
