Page 52 of Savage Hunter

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The door to the bathroom opens. I hear it loud and clear over the water. I wipe my eyes and look around the curtain. Clarissa is standing there, arms wrapped around herself. “You want something?” I ask.

“I’m sorry,” she says. “I had no right to pry.”

“You’ve every right. You don’t know me very well. You’ve no idea if you want me around while Sophie grows up. Trust me when I say it’ll be better once I’ve gone. You’ll be able to move on with your life. Put all this behind me. Just promise me you’ll take the money, do something good with it.”

“I won’t touch it.”

I shove the curtain back, turning off the water. I climb out, dripping onto the bathroom floor. “Don’t be dumb,” I say. “You will take the money and use it for whatever you want. It’s yours. It belongs to you.”

“I won’t touch it and there is nothing you can do to make me change my mind.”

I grab hold of her, spinning her around in my arms and swatting her ass. “You sure about that?”

“Put me down!”

I yank her pants down her thighs, taking her panties with them. Her bare ass gets me hard in an instant even as I focus on spanking her. “You will do as you’re told.”

“I won’t touch that money. You can spank me as hard as you like.”

“Good idea. Bend over.”

“Why should I do what you tell me?”

“Because I’ll do it twice as hard if you don’t. Bend over the sink and don’t move.”

She shuffles over to it, her pants sliding down to her ankles as she goes. “You’re an asshole,” she says, looking back at me over her shoulders.

“I get that a lot. Don’t move until I give permission.”

I spank her several times, watching her buttocks turn red under my attention. “You think you get to have the moral high ground?” I ask, pushing her knees apart. “You think shunning the money will put the world to rights? You’ll still have Marino blood in your veins. You’ll still be part of the mafia whether or not you like it.”

“Fuck you.”

I push a finger toward her tight little asshole. “Curse me again and this goes in there.”

She looks back at me, her eyes narrowing. “Fuck you.”

I lick my finger, pushing it straight into her ass. She lets out a shriek but doesn’t fight me. “I can’t believe you did that,” she says.

“After tonight, you’ll probably never see me again. What say we stop bickering and enjoy our last night together? We had something good, didn’t we? Shouldn’t we make the most of it?”

“I hate you, Jack.”

“You see, I don’t think you do. I think you hate the fact you’re attracted to me. I think you’re furious that I can see behind your facade. I know you want that money but you’re desperate to be seen as a good person, as not like your family. Guess what? You’re not like them. You’re making your own way in the world. You’re bringing up a gorgeous little girl and doing a damn fine job, by the looks of it. You should be proud of that, not wondering if touching their money will turn you into them. It won’t. Stop being so stubborn and take it, give it away to any charity you like, but don’t waste this opportunity.”

“You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

“Yes, I do. For tonight, at least I am in charge of you. Now get on your knees.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

“That’s just it. I know you do want to. I know you want my cock in your mouth. You want to please me, you’re just pissed at yourself for wanting that. You know how you should handle getting angry with yourself? Here’s a tip. Shut it down. Ignore it. Sooner or later, it all goes away and you can get on with shit. Now on your knees or I’ll make your ass so sore you won’t sit down for a week.”

“I’m so glad you’re fucking off tonight.”

“You and me both. Now on your knees. I won’t tell you again.”

She turns around, sinking to the tiled floor. I put a towel under her and she gives me a strange look when I stand back up. “Open your mouth,” I say, staring down at her, knowing what’s about to happen.
