Page 60 of Savage Hunter

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I grab the bag and rummage inside, bringing out the Will, exactly as Morgan predicted. I scan through the pages. Yep, there it is. The entire estate was to be given to his closest relative. His daughter, Clarissa, or in the event of her death before she can inherit, it’s all to go to his brother, Vincenzo.

So Clarissa gets it all. Fifty million, maybe more. Me and Isobel get away with fifty grand out of my box and no one coming looking for us. I get the better deal.

I can’t bring her parents back, but I can spend my life trying to atone for what happened to them. As for Clarissa and Sophie, I remember all too well what I was told. They’ll be better off without me.

I grab my phone and call Imelda. When she answers, I say two short words that tell her everything she needs to know.

“It’s done.”


Morgan is talking into the phone while I listen. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll tell her. You take care now.”

He sets the phone down on its side, keeping his hand on it for a moment. “Sophie still asleep?”

I nod. “She’ll be out for another hour. Why? Was that about Jack?”

He looks down at his half eaten pie like he’s never seen it before. We were halfway through lunch when the call came in. I knew at once it would be about Jack. I’ve been waiting all morning to hear from him, praying he was all right.

With a sweep of his arm, Morgan pushes the pie off the edge, straight into the trashcan. “Got a lady wants to speak to you,” he says. “You want a drink first?”

“No, I’m good, thanks.” I look at the phone, but he does not try to pass it to me. “Is Jack all right?”

“You sure about that drink? Might help before I put you on.”

“Who is that on the line?”

“Jack’s handler, ringing to pass on a few things. Wants to speak to you direct. She never speaks to anyone direct. You should be honored. Or scared. Maybe both.”

He slides the receiver to me. The cable stretches from the cradle over on the wall by the fridge. I pick up the phone and put it to my ear. It smells of old age, like it’s been in this house since it was built.


“Do I have the pleasure of addressing Clarissa Marino?” A woman’s voice, husky like she smokes too much, or she’s just been yelling at someone.

“Who is this?”

“Formalities first. Is this Clarissa Marino?”

“It is. Who are you?”

“You can call me Imelda. That’s the name I gave Jack right back at the start.”

“Is Jack all right?”

“He is absolutely fine, as is his niece.”

“Oh, thank God.”

“They’re on their way out of the country right now on a flight to somewhere warm and sunny. Isn’t that nice?”

“What? Where are they going?”

“Don’t sound so surprised. You said yourself it would be for the best if you didn’t see him again.”

“But I didn’t mean it.”

“It is happening. You won’t see him again.”
