Page 64 of Savage Hunter

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“You’ve still got that one,” I say, pointing at her cup.

“You really think I’m ordering coffee?”

The bells in the clock tower sing out. If the plan’s working, it’s happening right now. “I hope you got this right,” I say, picking up my whiskey and downing it in one. “Else you might be stuck here with me.”

“All in hand,” she says. “Wait and see.”

“One thing I don’t get.”

“What’s that?”

“Who put the footage on the memory card showing the murder? It couldn’t have been the Don. He was dead by then.”

Imelda manages a half smile, winking at me from the far side of the table. “I’ve got a few tricks of my own,” she says. “Might have been planning a bit more than your retirement. Got a few more plans to go yet, by the way. You just wait and see.”

The waiter appears with a sheet of paper. “Grazie,” Imelda says, taking it from him.

“Prego,” he replies before heading off again.

Imelda looks down at the sheet before sliding the sheet to me.

I run my eyes down the names and the single sentence next to each one.

Michael - wire across the throat in the titty bar bathroom. Confirmed.

Tommy - car bomb outside mob bank. Confirmed.

Sonny - rat poison in juice drink. Confirmed.

Lewis - shot in the head in karaoke bar. Confirmed.

Carl - firebomb through the office window. Confirmed.

Vincenzo - shanked in lock up before contact was made.

I tap the last name. “Shanked?”

“I know you didn’t want to kill him and I respect that, but I’m glad he’s dead.”

“You had him killed as well?”

“No, actually. We got lucky there. He’s been mouthing off to the general population and someone didn’t take kindly. I heard one of the Orlov Bratva men took him out. Worked out for us, didn’t it?”

“You seem happy.”

“I get to take over.” Her smile broadens, and it all falls into place.

“You set this up all along.”

“I told you, Jack. I see everything. I know what’s going to go down before it does. Once I knew about you and Clarissa, that made my life so much easier. I’m like you Jack. I see an opportunity and I take it. I only gave you the job because I knew you wouldn’t kill her. You’d protect her. You’d find out about Vincenzo and take him out, get rid of the only thing stopping me.”

“So you’re taking over the Marino famiglia? Have I got that right?”

She taps the sheet of paper. The Capos are all dead. The Don is dead. Right now, my people are arranging a deal with Rosella.”

“What kind of deal?”

“She agrees to fade into the shadows and I give her a pension, of sorts.”
