Page 66 of Savage Hunter

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“Retired. Trust me, Imelda. Once you start on a path, it’s not easy to step off it.”

“You have.”

“Look what it’s cost me. Isobel’s parents are dead. I don’t get to be with my family. I have to start a new life here in Milan.”

She gets to her feet. “Good luck, Jack.”

I take her outstretched hand and we shake. I get the feeling we’re never going to see each other again. “Goodbye, Imelda.”

She walks off into the square. I sit for a moment longer before leaving a twenty Euro note on the table and heading back home.

I catch sight of a family clearly on vacation. Mom, dad, two kids. Both girls. Little one’s hugging a teddy that looks like Mr. Bear. It’s like a kick to the stomach. Something I’ll never have. A happy family.

I call Morgan. He answers at once. “How’s retirement treating you?” he asks.

“You got a fix on her?”

“Back home, the map shows her going to and from the kindergarten. It’s like none of this ever happened. Looks like she’s getting on with her life. What do you want me to do?”

“Shut down the trackers. Delete everything you’ve got on her.”

“You sure? You won’t know if she goes anywhere unusual.”

“That’s on her. I’m not part of her life anymore. Shut it all down.”

“Did you decide about the money?”

“Imelda’s going to give it to the charities you told me about. Where’d you get them from, anyway?”

“I just called her work. Asked them which local groups work with kids that age. Easiest job I ever had. How’s Isobel?”

“Recovering, slowly.”

“Going to be a long-term thing with her. You know what she needs?”


“A mom.”

“Hers is dead.”

“I know that, Jack. I’m just saying.”

“Well, don’t. You’re as bad as Imelda. I’ve made my decision. This is how it’s got to be.”

“You’re sure about that? Only the way she was talking. I don’t think she’s too happy about you walking away.”

“She’ll get over it.”

“I know you’re not going to like this, but I think you’re making a mistake.”

“Do I pay you to tell me what to do?”

“You’re retired. You don’t pay me anything anymore. This is one friend talking to another. I know you were arguing before you went, but I think she’s more pissed at you for leaving than she would be if you tried to work this out.”

“Damn it, I’ll only say this once. I’m a killer, Morgan. I’m not going to make a good father.”

“You thinking about giving Isobel up for adoption, then?”
