Page 191 of Wolf Outcasted

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Freezers for the bodies.

The men were off their bikes and dragging the dead bodies with ease, while a cleaning crew in white hazards suits was already on the scene and working towards spraying the road to clean off the pools of blood tainting the asphalt.

“We’ve wasted more than enough of our valuable time. Leave,” Ruby encouraged but her eyes darkened. “But heed my warning for it’s the final one you’ll be able to earn from me.”

She lifted her hand to show a single finger.

“One more strike, and I’ll make sure you’re the world’s number one enemy.”

All the woman could do was bow her head in obedience.


None of them dared to defy her, their bodies vanishing in portals of magic. Even after their departure, no one seemed to move, as though we were waiting for something else to happen.

Instead, Ruby glanced over her shoulder.

“You’re not welcomed here,” she announced, clearly directed at Aurelia. “I don’t tolerate puppets unless you’re a cunning puppeteer.”

Aurelia didn’t say anything, but her eyes briefly landed on Willow.

“My sister has other things to attend to as a High Court member,” Ruby fairly stated. I wondered if she was rubbing in the position her sister had claimed on purpose. “Leave, or I sadly won’t be able to pardon you for your obvious involvement in this case.”

Aurelia’s confliction was obvious on her face, but she couldn’t ignore such a golden opportunity.

“I deserve redemption,” Aurelia quietly stated.

“Redemption is earned,” Ruby didn’t hesitate to reply right back. “Unless you’re going to redeem yourself, I suggest you learn to grow a backbone first rather than try to tell me what you deserve.”

Ruby’s words may have been harsh but she was completely right. Unless Aurelia stopped ignoring the obvious red flags in her life, no one else could possibly help her. None of us, Ruby, or even Willow, for that matter, could make her take control of her life.

She’d be destined to fall if she didn’t fight for her desire to rise.

Aurelia simply nodded, and her body faded away as her magic swirled around her until she was gone.

Dimitris was next to Willa before she could even waver, his hand wrapping around her in time for her knees to buckle.

“Shit,” I cursed and all of us raced to them while Ruby helped Dimitris lower Willa to the ground.

“Willow?” Dimitris questioned, and I could feel our Rebel was back from the intriguing emotions running through our pack bond.

Confusion, curiosity, uncertainty, pride, anger, and relief.

“Fucking hell I feel like shit,” she groaned. “And I think I have PTSD.”

“Now you think,” Dimitris grumbled but sat on his knees before pulling her right into his arms. “Are you trying to fucking give us all heart attacks?”

“Aww,” she whined. “Viktor, Dimitris is bullying me.”

“Don’t go bringing Viktor into this,” Dimitris scolded. “I’m not afraid of him.”

“If I wasn’t just as upset as he is, I’d counter that with a barrel to his temple.”

“I feel betrayed,” Willow groaned. “And I’m going to vomit.”

“I can assist,” Whitney volunteered. Suddenly, a bucket appeared right before Willow as she began to throw up.

“Let me help.” Milo rushed to Willow’s side and began to rub her back as she struggled to not expel whatever left-over breakfast was inside her gut. Milo’s hands began to glow a yellowish gold, and it seemed to help Willow as her heaving slowed and she stopped shaking.
