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I nod.

“Yeah, some women have it bad, from what I’ve heard. But have you tried drinking ginger ale?”

She giggles merrily, the soft tone tinkling in the air.

“Actually, I was just about to ask you to get me a glass,” she says with a smile. “Would you mind, Mark? I have a huge jug of the stuff in my fridge.”

I nod.

“Sure thing.”

Then, I’m back in the kitchen again, pulling open the refrigerator. It’s well stocked with all sorts of fresh fruits and vegetables, not to mention jars of peanut butter, kimchi, and all sorts of sauces. I also glimpse some leftovers covered in plastic before grabbing the huge half-gallon jug of Canada Dry.

“Here you go,” I say, pouring the fizzy drink into a new glass and handing it to Freya. “One ginger ale, at your service.”

She giggles again before lifting the glass to her lips and taking a sip.

“Mmm,” Freya murmurs, looking at me over the rim of the glass. “Thanks. Ginger ale’s been my go to.”

I nod.

“Do you want crackers too? Do you have Saltines around here? Or I can even run back to my house to grab a pack. I buy them in bulk from Costco, so I’ve got more than enough to feed a family.”

Freya throws her head back and laughs, her brown eyes sparkling.

“No, no, I’m good. Don’t get me wrong, the nausea’s still with me, but I appreciate the effort. I’m just going to sip my ginger ale slowly in the meantime.”

I nod.

“Sure thing, sweetheart. Just let me know if I can do anything for you, okay? It’s no problem at all, and I’m just a holler away.”

I’m already turning to leave when the pretty brunette stops me. Her cheeks are flushed and she’s biting her lip, but she calls out, “Mark?”

I turn to see her voluptuous form still on the sofa, lush and fertile.

“Yeah? Did you change your mind about the Saltines?”

She shakes her head.

“No, it’s just that … well, thereisone thing that’s a surefire way to help me rid myself of the nausea.”

I nod.

“What is it? Animal crackers? Vitamins? Diet Coke? I know that shit’s not good for you because it’s not good for anyone, but I’m not going to judge a woman when she’s in the throes of vomiting.”

Freya laughs merrily, although the sound comes out more like a sexy mewl. I swear, I’m captivated with this woman because she’s so gorgeous and ripe, not to mention utterly sexy with her tummy bulging with a baby.

“No, it’s none of those things. You might be a little offended when you find out,” she begins.

I shake my head, coming back to sit next to her on the couch.

“Trust me, you can’t offend a firefighter when it comes to biological things. We’ve seen it all, and that includes totally naked old men being rescued from burning buildings, and people in the middle of sex when we pound on their door, telling them they have to evacuate. That’s always a fun one, when the condom’s still on when they finally come out,” I say in a wry tone.

Freya laughs a little, her cheeks going a fetching pink shade.

“Okay, but this reallyisa little out there. You see, I need it … well, in my butt in order to keep the nausea at bay. It’s the only thing that’s helped me feel more normal during my pregnancy.”

You could hear a pin drop as I stare at the beautiful brunette.
