Page 26 of Provoke

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“Sorry,” I say with a lopsided smile.

She grins. “Well, we best be on our way before he comes back in here, whining some more.”

“Yes, of course,” I say, pulling out a notebook and two pens from my desk. Always good to be prepared.

I follow her out of my office and down a narrow hall until we reach the floor lobby.

“We’ll take the elevator,” she says, pressing the button and waiting in silence for the door to open.

We don’t say another word the entire ride up to the floor with the largest conference room.

The air is thick with tension, and I wonder what’s to come that has Shelby so nervous. She’d made whatever account Cavendish has picked up a very good thing, but the way she’s acting now has me wondering.

“Are you okay?” I ask, knowing it’s none of my business.

She looks straight, never once looking my way. “Fine. I’m not a fan of tight spaces.”

I relax, feeling relief that her current mood has nothing to do with the upcoming meeting.

The relief gives way to the memory of the last time I found myself in a tight space, in the dark.

A sexy stranger.

His hands.

His tongue.

The way he made me feel.

That’s until it all came crashing down.

I sigh. “I’m not a huge fan either,” I admit. “If the lights went out in here right now, I’d freak. But it’s all good. It’s almost over.”

She looks at me out of the corner of her eye and offers a tight-lipped smile.

“Thank you.”

I shrug. “I did nothing.”

The doors ding open, and a flurry of activity greets us. People mill about the hallway, making small talk. Their voices are full of excitement as they discuss who they think the new account is.

“That’s enough,” Shelby chastises, not harshly, but enough to get their attention. “Mr. Cavendish won’t be happy if you’re not all in your seats and ready for the announcement.”

They scurry off, heading toward two glass doors that open into a large conference room. There are easily fifty people taking seats, and I can’t help but be amazed at how quickly Cavendish Group has grown. They only opened a few years ago in the United States.

Charles Cavendish Sr. is a legend in the United Kingdom, but here in the States, his son is a bit of a mystery.

Rumor is he should’ve been taking over the UK office reins from his ailing father but, instead, opened this division in the US.

There’s little to be found on the internet about him. He’s very elusive, but word travels fast in business.

It’s why I wanted to work with Cavendish. Creating a growing company while staying out of the spotlight himself.

It speaks highly to his work ethic if he’s able to pull the clients he has without being like every other flashy marketing executive in the business. There’s so much potential under that kind of leadership, and I could learn a lot in this job.

I quickly find a seat in the first row at the end and wait for the meeting to proceed. A woman next to me offers a small smile.

“New girl?”

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