Page 12 of Mine to Claim

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What if Dixie stopped by and ran into my father or Jeremiah? My heart pounds harder as one scenario after another plays through my mind. I burst out the back door of Sully’s home, knowing I’m going to be in trouble for not doing as I was told. For some reason, Sully’s threats don't scare me. In fact, I often find myself fighting a smile when he tries to toss one my way.

Out of the half-dozen scenes I’d conjured up on my way out here, this is not one that came to mind. Sully has Paulo pinned to the side of my house. Paulo’s feet are dangling at least two feet off the ground.

I would have thought Sully was being aggressive, but not after today, given how easily he’d lifted me. I'd even felt a spark of desire at the time, which was completely wrong, but I can’t help how I reacted to him. How that sensation had rushed through my whole body. How his rough hands had felt against my skin.

I shake my head, snapping myself out of my thoughts. I focus back on the scene in front of me. Sully’s and Paulo’s faces are close, and I think maybe they’re going to kiss. My heart sinks so deep inside my chest it hurts in a way I’ve never experienced, but then again, Sully always makes me feel things no one else ever has.

Sully is saying something to Paulo, but I can’t make it out. Everything starts to click into place for me, and I’m beginning to understand the tension between them. Has it been sexual this whole time? How did I miss this? I hate the jealousy that ignites inside me. I guess that really answers the question of why Sully never took an interest in Roxie.

“I’m–” I start to speak but stop when both their heads jerk my way. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” I dart back into Sully’s place. Orion is sitting on the kitchen counter, making himself right at home.

A bubble of emotion starts to rise in my chest. I grip the side of the counter, closing my eyes. I try to push it down with all my might, but still my knees feel weak. I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. Orion rubs against my arm to help calm me down. It’s not so easy this time to force it back down. Everything wants to come flooding out of me.

“Orchid!” Sully calls. I peek over my shoulder when he comes through the back door, his arms filled with all the things he said he was going to get for me from my place.

All those thoughts I managed to stuff down only moments ago come bubbling up, and I do the only thing I can think to do. I run. It’s pointless really, but my body moves without me thinking. It’s what I’ve learned to do to survive. I hate that the urge was even there. It’s basic and the last thing I want to do when it comes to Sully.

That might be why I don’t make a dash for the front door. No, I move deeper into his home, not stopping until I reach his bedroom. His whole house smells like him, but here it’s deeper with a sweetness I cannot place. Then again, I always think there is a sweetness to Sully that lingers around him.

“Petal.” I spin around at the sound of Sully’s voice to see him filling the doorway to his own bedroom.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I blurt out.

What is wrong with me? I’m acting like I busted him and he cheated on me. Tears fill my eyes. Don’t do it! I shout at myself inside my head. You’re not going to have one of your fits. That’s what my father used to call them anyway. He hated any sort of display of emotions.

“Tell you?” If my emotions weren’t all over the place, I might laugh at the startled expression on his face. His brows are pulled tightly together. His big hands reach out like he is trying not to spook me. I’m on the edge of exploding. “I’m not sure what’s going on, Petal, but why don’t you sit on the bed and we can talk this out?” He slowly takes a few steps toward me. His voice soothes me in a way I never thought possible.

Regardless of how upset I am, I still do as he asks and sit on the edge of the bed. Before I even realize it, Sully is in front of me. I swear for as big as the man is, he moves quickly and quietly. He drops to his knees in front of me.

“I just …” Again, I trail off.

“If anyone is bad with words, Petal, it’s me.” He gives me a smirk I can’t help but return. That rush of feelings I have for him floods out of me, and the tears let loose.
