Page 14 of Mine to Claim

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“Me?” She licks her lips and–God help me–she keeps stroking along the length of my cock through my pants. “I did this?”

I groan and take her mouth again, sucking on her tongue as a million filthy desires play through my mind. I want her on her back, on all fours, her mouth around my cock, and more than anything–I want to eat her pussy until she’s completely at my mercy. Once she’s come so many times she’s soaked for me, I’ll give her all I have, every inch that belongs only to her.

But I have to warn her. Because if we do this, there’s no going back. I know who I am, and I know what I want. Once she gives herself to me, I’ll never give her up. It isn’t in my nature. I’m like a fucking bear when it comes this woman. What’s mine is mine, and I’ll fight anyone who tries to take her away from me.

So I have to pull back again, to separate myself from her intoxicating mouth.

“Petal.” I take her wrist and pull her hand from my cock, even though it really fucking pains me to do it. “We need to talk.”

Her pupils are blown, her cheeks a beautiful pink. “Talk?” She sounds dazed. Fuck, imagine how she’ll sound once I’ve made her come. Focus, Sully.

“About what this means.” I cup her cheek.

She blinks. “What does it mean?”

“If we go down this road, I don’t want you–” I stop when headlights throw a shadow onto the wall before they’re abruptly shut off.

“You don’t want me?” she whispers.

“Wait.” I ease her off my lap and hurry to the window. That’s when I hear an engine die. “Someone’s out there.”

Orion hops up onto the windowsill beside me, his eyes on the darkness beyond the blinds.

I know who it is before I even hear the two men talking in hushed whispers to each other. It’s Orchid’s father and Jeremiah. Motherfuckers.

“Sit tight, Orchid.” I turn to her. “I’ll handle–” But she’s already gone.

I hear the back door shut just as that Jeremiah prick yells, “Orchid! There you are. Get your ass in the truck. Now.”

That tone. That rancid fucking asshole.

I barrel down the hall toward the back door, vivid anger streaking through my mind. No one talks to Orchid like that, and this motherfucker’s about to find that out the hard way.



The last thing I want Sully to have to deal with is my bullcrap. No, scratch that. Bullshit. Yeah, bullshit. I can say that word in my head. Out loud too. Okay, maybe not today but at some point. One step at a time, Orchid. Let’s not get too carried away.

“Jeremiah.” I use as firm of a voice as I can muster. It’s actually pretty solid, but I think it’s only because I’m all kinds of frustrated. If my father thought I had fits before, those were nothing compared to how I’m feeling now. I believe I could have a nuclear one right now because I don’t understand all the emotions bubbling to the surface.

He and my father actually stop walking down the driveway at the sound of my voice. The motion detection lights Sully put on the side of my house light up the night. Their heads swing my way. They both look a bit stunned. I’m not sure if it’s my tone or the fact that I clearly came from the direction of Sully’s house. I can tell they’re not pleased with me.

“Orchid,” my father warns. His tone is way harsher than mine was, causing my spine to stiffen and making me stand up straighter. Old habits die hard, I guess. “Get in the truck.” He says it in his no nonsense voice. The one he’s used on me many times in the past.

I want to tell him to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine, but that would only go to show him how he was right. That being out here and not on the compound has turned me into a hellion. The last thing I ever want to do is prove my father right.

Though, I’m debating if being a hellion is really that bad. Are there levels to it? If you asked him, he'd say no. It’s all black and white as far as he’s concerned. There is no gray, but I don’t even want to be in the gray. I want to be in the rainbow. Well, not the kind of rainbow I thought Sully was into, but you know what I mean.

“She’s not going anywhere.” Sully’s deep voice booms from behind me. I realize I’ve been standing here having a whole internal conversation with myself and that I haven’t even responded to my father.

“Is that so?” my father drawls, folding his arms over his chest. He’s not used to people standing up to him. His word is the law on the compound. No one would dare go against him there or they would suffer the consequences.

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