Page 18 of Mine to Claim

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I haven’t asked about those, knowing I don’t much care to talk about my own. I consider myself lucky that mine are easily hidden with a shirt. A few of his show on his arms, and there is even a small one on his neck like a blade of some kind had been placed against it. It might be short in length, but I can tell it was deep. It’s not the type you get from shaving. It made me think someone pressed a knife to his throat. They just didn’t get the chance to slit it.

“You want me to cut it?”

“Hey, I’ve seen you with those pruning shears in your garden. I think you could do it. I trust you.”

“In all my life no one has surprised me more than you, Petal.” He unclicks my seatbelt. “Let's get you inside and into bed. We’ll talk about cutting your hair tomorrow when your emotions aren’t so raw from today.”

“In case you haven't noticed, Sully, I might have been programmed to be a robot, but I’m resisting and seem to be really determined.”

“You found the sci-fi section on Netflix, didn’t you?” When Sully gave me his Netflix login, that had been as eye-opening as the books I’d been reading.

“Maybe.” I laugh, taking his offered hand. I slip from out of his truck. Orion jumps down on his own, darting off toward the giant cabin. “Orion!” I call after him.

“He’s fine,” Sully reassures me while Orion acts like he already knows this place.

“This is a vacation home?” I ask. Sully’s fingers tangle with mine as he leads me up a stone path toward the front door. My eyes take in every detail. There are breathtaking wrap-around porches on both the top and the bottom floor. This makes my home look like a shack.

“It was my first home.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal.

“This is a starter home?” I snort. “How many homes you got?”

“A few.” There he goes again, side-stepping my question. You’d think a person would be able to easily ramble off how many homes they own. “Tomorrow, I’ll program your entry.” Before I can ask what that means, I see him punch in some numbers into a contraption under the door handle before a smaller black thingy slides out. He presses his thumb to it. Half a second later, I hear locks start to disengage.

“Wow, you really don’t want to get robbed.”

“It’s a safe house. I’m more worried about being safe once you’re inside. It’s designed so that no one can get in quickly or easily without me knowing.”

“Safe house?” I scrunch my nose. Why the heck would he need a safe house? “People didn’t lock doors at the compound except in Father’s offices.”

“All those girls need a fuckin’ safe house,” Sully mutters angrily under his breath as the door swings open.

“You’re right, but that’s not the only problem. They’re brainwashed. They need to be deprogrammed, and I thought that before I watched the sci-fi movies.”

Sully nods. “When you grow up in something, you think it’s normal. It’s not until you get to look at the world on your own do your eyes really start to open.” He says it like he understands. “But not you, Petal. You didn’t need that look. You knew.” He turns to stare down at me. “Do you know what you’re doing right now?”

I lick my lips and nod. “I more than know what I’m doing, Sully. I’ve been dreaming about it.”



She’s an innocent siren, the worst sort of temptress–and she’s all mine. I want her so badly I have to take a step back. But she needs rest. We’ve been driving all night, and she only fell asleep in the last half hour of the trip.

“Go on in.” I gesture down the front hall. “Living room is ahead. Kitchen to the left. Our bedroom is at the back on the right.”

“Ours?” She smiles, her gaze darting to my lips.

“Ours.” I kiss her forehead.

Orion darts down the hall and takes a left toward the kitchen. He’s such a cat.

“I’ll get the stuff from the truck.” I kiss her again then unlock the door and head back down the front steps. I want her to feel comfortable in the house and get a chance to look around without me hovering, so I take my time unloading our stuff. I also send a text to Reeve to let him know I’m back. My brother doesn’t spend much time up at my place, but just in case he decides to stop by, he needs to know the deal. I explain it to him as briefly as possible, then stow my phone and stare up at the house. I didn’t realize how much I missed it.

Once I can’t stand it another second longer, I bound up the stairs and walk in. I stow the weapons in my front gun locker, then carry in Orion and Orchid’s things.
