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He smiles and says, “You want more than sex.” I stare at him and he says, “I mean, in the beginning, you were happy to help me and happy to just have a casual relationship but a woman who starts trying to beat up a Ridge Devil isn’t interested in being friends with benefits. You want more. So do I. Marry me. After the wedding, we’ll start adoption proceedings. What do you say?”

I want to throw my arms around him and scream, “Yes!” at the top of my lungs.

But even if I’m screwing a biker, I have standards.

“I’ll answer that question when I see you kneeling in front of me with a ring.”

He looks at me and says, “Wait here.”

I watch as he walks through the doors of the emergency room. Through the glass, I see him talking to one of the men. It’s Guardian. He was one of the guys who mowed my lawn. Guardian nods and a moment later, Jonah is back out. He takes my hand and pulls me with him. “Where are we going?” I ask.

“Hush,” he says.

Dear God! How in the hell can I be so fucking turned on by him basically telling me to shut up? I don’t know how that works but it does. I shut my mouth without a second thought. He leads me to a row of bikes and pulls a helmet off one of them. To be honest, all the bikes look the same to me so it kind of surprises me he pulls me along to a different bike. He lifts me up and sets me on the seat. “Where are we going?”

“I told you to hush,” he says. He hands me the helmet. “Put this on.”

Okay. So being told up twice turns me on. When he gets on and the motorcycle roars to life, I swear to God, it’s like the biggest vibrator in the world, hitting me not only right between my legs but on my thighs and my ass as I hold onto Jonah. Jesus, it’s like a vibrator for my entire lower body, and my entire lower body seems to have the same capacity for pleasure as my clit!

It’s a minor miracle I don’t cum as he takes me from the hospital to the first jewelry store we come across. I’d like to say I’m not shallow, but the fact that he spends almost twenty thousand dollars on the ring kind of turns me on, too. When he kneels and offers the ring, I forget to say yes. Instead, I throw my arms around him and whisper, “Take me somewhere and fuck me, for God’s sake.”

I remember to tell him, officially, I’ll marry him when we both stagger out of my car about forty-five minutes later and walk through the parking lot to the emergency room. When I ask him if he wants to set a date, he says, “Hush.”

That answer is good enough for me.



“So, it’s settled, then,” Guardian says. The fact that he’s handling this meeting pretty much means he’s the next president. I’m sure there’s a reason he and Shotgun haven’t made it official yet. Shotgun sits next to him and I suppose I’m invited to the meeting just because I might have killed Adderall and didn’t, ending the battle without any more damage to our side. Usually, a meeting like this would only include the executive committee. That’s the President, the Vice President, the Sergeant at Arms, and the Road Captain. We don’t have a secretary for some reason. I think, essentially, the Vice President does all the work a secretary ordinarily would. The Road Captain doesn’t get a vote in an executive meeting. That means there are two of us here with no vote, me and Ring Toss.

“Yes,” Adderall says. “She’ll be here in a week.”

Adderall’s daughter is moving to Rock Springs. I suppose it might be said she’s a hostage of sorts, but an old school hostage, like how royal families in Medieval times would send family members to other courts as part of peace treaties. I suspect Adderall will also be dealing with a bit of an internal war with his own club and having her safe and away from that is part of his motivation.

“We’re done here, then,” Guardian says, “If you like, Shotgun will show you the house we picked out for her. If it’s all okay, we’ll start furnishing it.” Adderall nods and rises. He shakes hands with the executive committee and then turns to me.

He walks up and extends his hand. I take it and he says, “I can trust you. Keep an eye on my daughter when she’s here.”

“I will,” I say, “but you can trust everyone here to do what we agreed to do today.”

He nods and says, “I trust you.”

Everyone leaves except for me and Guardian. He says, “First time?”

I nod, “Except for reporting something to the committee, yes.”

“You know what the future holds, right?”

I nod. “For you? Yeah.”

“I’ll need a Sergeant at Arms,” he says, “and I want to put you up for it.” I stare at him in surprise. “Don’t decide now,” he says, “sleep on it a while.”

I don’t need to sleep on it but I promise I will.

