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She moaned. “Twelve, thank you.” As Jared rubbed her checks, his fingers dipped inside again, causing Rita to buck against him. “Oh fuck, Jared, please hurry and finish. I want you inside me again.” Jared took a deep breath.SMACK!

“Thirteen, thank you.” Sliding his hand between her legs, he circled around her clit before he pressed a slippery finger between her folds as Rita tried to grind down against his hand. As he drew his hand back, he rubbed the evidence of her excitement over her cheeks. It all felt so filthy.SMACK!

“Fourteen,” Rita managed to call out as she spread her legs farther apart. Holding tight to his left thigh, Rita rubbed herself against Jared.

“Did you forget something?” Jarod’s voice was a growl.

Her mind drew a blank for a moment, but then she remembered. “Thank you,” Rita breathed out as she squirmed against him, desperate to alleviate the pressure between her legs.

“Good girl,” Jared said and continued to rub her cheeks. Two fingers slid into her aching core. Rita moaned as her muscles tightened around them, silently begging him to keep going. “One more.” The words were a warning.

The last blow landed heavier than all the rest, and Rita yelped out, “Fifteen, thank you.” Tears tracked down her face, and it felt like half of her body was fighting to get away from him while the other half was fighting to get closer. He leaned his arm across her back, pinning her down, and rubbed her fevered cheeks as he plunged his fingers in and out of her sopping wet pussy. As her muscles clenched around his fingers, his strokes became longer and harder. Rita pushed against his hand. Reaching with his thumb and forefinger, Jared pinched her clit as he rammed the other three fingers inside her, and Rita’s back arched as her orgasm hit her at full force. Crying out his name, she thrashed. Jared reached for another condom, tearing the wrapper open with his teeth. “On your hands and knees,” he barked. “Quick!”

Rita got to her knees, and she heard Jared swear aloud at the visual. Grabbing her hips, he slammed into her. Her muscles stretched to accommodate him, and she cried out. Her pulse pounded in her ears, matching the piston of his hips. Another orgasm rang through her, and he sped up. Rita clutched at the sheets to brace herself as she pressed back, meeting each thrust. Jared pulled out of her, and she wailed at being so suddenly empty.

Jared flipped her over and pulled her leg over his hip. He slipped back inside easily now, and he resumed his breakneck pace. As she neared another orgasm, he reached between them and worked her clit as he moved in and out. Rita began to shake in his arms. Jared tightened his grip on her hips, moving faster, harder, deeper.

She couldn’t hold back, and she spiraled into a third orgasm. Jared came with her, balls tightening in an almost painful paroxysm of pleasure. He thrust himself as deeply as he could and held her there. Riding wave after wave of aftershock, he pumped his hips into her, and Rita’s body spasmed with a fourth orgasm. “I wonder how many times I could make you come in a row?” he panted against her temple. “Five? Ten? How many until you begged me to stop?” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a sitting position. She grunted with the movement and grabbed his face as she kissed him. Shoving her tongue in his mouth, she gave as much as she received, moaning as she trembled against him.

Holding her tight, he rocked her gently as they slowly came back down. Sliding his fingers in her hair, he held her to him as their hearts thundered against each other. “That was amazing,” Rita mumbled. At Jared’s chuckle, she cupped his face and kissed him again. “Maybe I should misbehave more often.”

Jared smiled brilliantly. “I think I might like that.”


Rita couldn’t concentrate. Her desk was covered with an array of sticky notes that needed to be addressed—mostly questions and requests from their current jobsite—but she kept getting stuck in her own thoughts. She had been avoiding Jared since last Friday, and for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out why. The attraction between them was…more than obvious. The sex had been fantastic; she’d never felt anything so intensely pleasurable in her life. But maybe that was the problem.

Jared was a primal kind of man. She felt stupid even thinking the word, but it was the best descriptor she had. He was also the kind of man she told herself that she would never be with again. Not after Tuck. Ten years of being that kind of man’s property had taught her fear; she didn’t want to make that same mistake again. Rather than confront the issue and talk to him, however, Rita took the cowardly route and avoided Jared. She arrived at the jobsite early, found reasons to be offsite for most of the day, and left well after everyone else, so he couldn’t hang around and catch her while she was leaving. It wasn’t the smartest way to handle things, but Rita was protecting her heart.

John Tucker had been the consummate liar, and she had found out too late. Literally everything from his childhood to the degrees that hung on his wall were fabrications—most of them so convincing that he even had his best friend snowed. She couldn’t really blame Jordy. She hadlivedwith Tuck, had been his wife, and it had still taken her a long time to see the truth. Three years into their marriage, after an abnormal amount of job hopping, Rita had learned about her husband’s fake credentials at a company dinner. He’d told her that he was well-liked at this company, that he could see a future for himself here, but that had been a lie too.

She had been in a bathroom stall when she’d overheard a woman from HR talking to someone else. It was obvious both women were drunk. The woman from HR, Jane or Janie somebody, was telling the other woman how “that Tucker guy” was going to lose his job because he’d falsified his records. Janie was bragging about her detective work and saying how much she looked forward to Tucker’s last day when Rita stepped out of the stall, her face burning with humiliation.

When they got home later, after she sat through Tuck murmuring in her ear all night about all that he had accomplished in just a few short months there, Rita couldn’t hold back and confronted him. Tuck had immediately gone on the defensive, telling her that it was all a conspiracy and that they were all against him. He ranted that he couldn’t work there anymore and planned to quit. He would find a new job where his skills and education would be appreciated. At that point, Rita didn’t know what to believe; she was still learning about all the ways that Tuck could be manipulative, and it scared her. She chose then to let it go. She wished that she hadn’t.

Then, a few years after that incident, her father-in-law died. While they were helping his mom pack up his dad’s clothes, stories came out about his childhood that were entirely different from what he had told her. She could never understand why anyone would make up stories about such mundane things as where they’d gone on vacation or what jobs their distant relatives held, but that was Tuck. Never satisfied with reality, he had created an entirely different life for himself. More damaging were the lies he’d told her about his parents themselves and about his relationship with them. She was embarrassed when she found out what had really happened and apologized to her mother-in-law for judging her unfairly, based on what Tuck had told her. The rampant dishonesty had hurt Rita tremendously. All those hours they’d spent talking about their pasts, their future, their dreams, and everything had been a lie. Even though she’d gotten away from Tuck, the whole mess had left its scars. And those scars currently had her playing coward and hiding from Jared.

Even still, she couldn’t get Jared out of her head. She looked out the window of the mobile office to where she had a pretty good view of him at the moment. He looked incredible. She crossed and recrossed her legs, trying to relieve the persistent ache that had settled between them.He flipped a switch, and I can’t shut it off. She hadn’t felt genuinely aroused for someone in years, and while she enjoyed it in a way, it had some serious downsides. Namely, that she couldn’t get anything done.

It didn’t help that she’d worn a few drops of the Pour Homme cologne today. Just a sprinkle on her wrist, but she kept bringing it up to her nose and breathing deeply, feeling a fresh surge of arousal each time. At least it was Friday; she could blame her lack of productivity on that a little bit.

Brian poked his head into the office. “Are you ready for the meeting?” They had to go over next week’s tasks and make sure that all the necessary supplies were either already on site or had been ordered. She knew it was coming—they did this every Friday when they were on an active site—and while Rita was dreading the proximity to Jared, she knew plenty of other people would be around. Surely she could interact with Jared safely as long as they weren’t alone.

She forced herself to smile. “Yeah, be right there.” Brian nodded and closed the office door. As Rita was gathering her notes for the meeting, she heard the office door open again. “Jeez, Brian. I said that I’d be right out,” Rita admonished without looking up.

“That’s all right,” Jared said. “I think we’ll be staying in.”

Snapping her head up, Rita looked at the one person she had tried so hard not to be alone with. “Uh,” she stammered, “I thought we would have the meeting outside at the lunch tables where there’s more room.”

Waving a couple sheets of paper in his hand, he stalked toward Rita. “Have everything you need, right here, boss,” he said. His voice was smooth and calm as he stared her down. Rita took the pages with shaking hands, and she drew in a breath when Jared’s hand brushed her own. Of course, he didn’t miss her reaction. His lip quirked up, and he turned on his heel and headed back toward the door.

Rita set the papers down amongst the mess of sticky notes on her desk. “Thanks,” Rita managed to say. “I’ll look these over and let you know if I have any questions. Have a good weekend.”

Jared looked back at her, pinning her with his eyes as he reached over to lock the office door. “I’m not going anywhere,” he said. “You and I have unfinished business.”

Rita took a steadying breath. And then another. The butterflies that had taken up residence in her stomach when she’d noticed Jared was there began a tumultuous ride around her insides, but she tried to keep her face neutral. “Unlock the door, Jared.”

“No,” was Jared’s reply, and then he was across the small room in a single step. He pushed her against the wall, grabbing her leg and pulling it up around his hip so that he could grind himself against her. He was hard.Damn it all to hell, she thought, even as she moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. She needed him closer; she needed to be as far from him as she could possibly get. The two impulses were warring inside her…but she didn’t push him away.
