Page 14 of Sinful Desire

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Constant conflicting impressions I carry with me.

The fabric of the dress cinches in at her waist, showing her delicacy and her womanly figure, then fans out again so the skirt stops just above her mid-thigh. Her legs are bare, but her feet are wrapped in sexy black heels that conjure filthy thoughts about what they’ll look like a little later… folded over my shoulders.

“You look amazing.”

I don’t think the words before they come out. I don’t mean to speak at all. But the way she watches me, the way her supple lips, coated in a thick sheen of red lipstick, quirk up, makes my brain stop and my mouth move.

“Fuck, Minka.” I bring my free hand to my heart and smile, despite how goofy the gesture probably appears. “I said you should look good, but you went and turned it up.”

“Too much?” She glances down at herself, so the movement of her head lets her long, brown hair hang over the front of her shoulders. Momentarily insecure, she asks, “You don’t like it?”

“I love it.” And because I’m gonna mess this up if I don’t make that clear right now, I step forward and hook my arm around her hip. Pulling her in until our chests touch and our legs interweave, I press my lips to her neck and my solid cock to her hipbone. “Babe. I love every single thing you do.”

“Hmm.” She feels me on her hip. She feels my pulse thundering against her chest. “Thank you.” Tilting her head back to expose her neck and give me room to work, she closes her eyes and hums under her breath. “You sure about going out? I can swap this dress for sweats in thirty seconds flat.”

A rumbling chuckle works its way along my throat. But because she’s deliciously tempting, and I’m a man willing to sin, I take a step back so she has to stand on her own two feet.

Though, because the disconnect hurts, I take her hand in mine and present the flowers with the other. “We’re going out, Mayet. I’ve made reservations for us.”

“Somewhere fancy?” She drops her gaze to the flowers, then back up to me. “Did you steal those?”

Laughing, I say, “I bought them with real money. And considering I’m a severely underpaid cop, that makes them even more special.”


Taking the bunch, she releases my hand and turns to head back into her apartment, but as though by magic—or because she enjoys eavesdropping—Aubree appears and offers Minka an already filled vase.

“I’ll take care of these.” She snatches the bouquet from her boss and plops it in the water. Then leaning around Minka, she looks to me and smirks. “Looking good, Malone. How’s your brother?”

My lips twitch. “Still clueless and blind is my guess. You staying here tonight?”

“Yeah.” She brings the flowers up to smell. “For a little while, anyway. Then I’ll evaluate my options and see where I wanna go.”

Lowering the vase, Aubree looks to Minka. “Have fun, but don’t stay out too late. We have a bunch of paperwork to do tomorrow.”

“Ugh.” She sends her eyes toward the ceiling. “Riveting work.”

Grabbing a small clutch and dropping her phone and a front-door key inside, Minka heads back in my direction on heels that any man would fall to his knees in front of. Her legs are long and strong, her thighs toned and so rarely on display.

Before stepping through the door, she snags a coat and slips it on, then flicking her hair over her shoulder to rest on her back, she moves forward and offers her hand. “I’m ready for our date.”

“Fantastic.” I slide her arm around mine so she’s tucked in tight—and actually grinning about it—making this feel a million times more formal than it probably should.

Finally, I lead her onto the stairs and down the four flights, striding past the watchful Steve, whose brows shoot high and reveal his droopy eyes for the first time in forever, and through the door and onto the sidewalk outside.

Seconds later, I tug her out to the shiny, black truck that’s double-parked in the street and causing a slight backup of traffic.

“What the—” Minka gapes at the terribly placed truck, then at the half a dozen cars working their way around it. “Who the hell parked here?”

“That would be me.” Grinning, I guide her to the passenger side and beep the locks open. Opening the door wide, I once more offer my hand and help her inside. “This is my ride.”

“You have a truck?” She sets her clutch on the dash and takes in the almost-new interior with wide eyes. “You’ve literally never shown me this vehicle before.”

“That’s because I rarely get to drive it.”

Slamming the door shut, I race around to my side and ignore the impatient honks from those I’ve blocked in. Slipping into my seat and pulling my seatbelt on, I shoot a pointed look at Minka. “I’m not moving a single fuckin’ inch till you put your seatbelt on.”

“Oh…” Hurriedly, she reaches back and grabs it. “This is, like, brand-new, Archer. Since when do you have abrand-newtruck?”
