Page 83 of Throne of Power

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But he went ahead and committed the most unforgivable sin of all.

Fuck my heart. I will crush it and Kyle before anyone is able to harm my family.

A rustling sound comes from behind me before a male voice speaks in a noticeable accent. “Looks like you heard something you shouldn’t have.”

And with that, he grabs my throat from behind and twists my neck.

My vision gradually goes black as I fall to the ground with a thud. Large hands grab my feet and drag me away.

My eyes slowly close and a tear slides down my cheek as a frightening type of void grips me in its clutches. While I blackout, Kyle’s words keep playing at the back of my head.

Rai is nothing. I’ll just leave her behind.


Kyle and Rai’s story concludes in Throne of Vengeance.
